Search Results

  1. maddensmom

    Hey guys!! I need your advice...

    Hey! (Remember me? lol) I know I haven't been around, but I need some advice and knew you guys would give me some great words of wisdom! With the economy in the dumps, Josh is going to be traveling a ton over the next year or so and with us now having a baby, I'm going to be traveling with...
  2. maddensmom

    Introducing Trevor Blaine!

    First off, Thank you all for the warm wishes and congratulations when we were in the hospital! I haven't had much time to post since then! I can't believe that my baby boy is already two weeks old today! He was born at 9:57pm August 17 weighing in at 8lbs 2oz and healthy as a horse! I...
  3. maddensmom

    Remember Me??

    Hey all!! It feels like ages since I've had any time to spend here! I see lots of new faces! Life's been crazy lately getting ready for the new baby and all, but we're all doing great! I'm 36 1/2 weeks along right now, and getting ready for him to get here already! We decided to name...
  4. maddensmom

    Anyone wanna help with baby middle names??

    I know I haven't been around here much lately, but life has been crazy busy and I haven't had much time to get online. Of course as soon as I need help with something--who do I think to turn to?? I want to pick yall's brains!!! We've been trying to come up with a name for this baby before...
  5. maddensmom

    My latest ultrasound photos!

    I wanted to share these with you guys! We waited so long for this little guy I want to share him with anyone who will listen, so forgive me. Here's his face (well, really skull) and his little hand. He was giving us a thumbs up!!! Here are the cute little feet that love to kick Mommy in...
  6. maddensmom

    We found out that we're having a....

    . . . . . . . . . . . . BOY!!!! We are SO excited! We would have been just as happy to have a girl, but we both really wanted a baby boy! Now I can start shopping!!
  7. maddensmom

    This cracked me up....

    I thought maybe someone here would find this as funny as I did. I just got a call from the American Red Cross. They of course were calling to see if I would come in and donate blood. The conversation went something like this: Me: Hello? Her: Hi, may I speak with Keysha X? Me: This is...
  8. maddensmom

    Whats for dinner tonight??

    I've got some homemade bread on right now and I'll be making turkey spaghetti to go along with it. I've been craving spaghetti for like a week now! What are you having??
  9. maddensmom

    Want your computer screen cleaned for free??

    Click the link and let this little guy do it for you!
  10. maddensmom

    Want to see my ultrasound pictures???

    My appointment today went great!! The doctor was having trouble with the doppler so we got a bonus ultrasound!! He said everything was going great and that "the baby was huge!". That explains why I've ate like a cow for the past month and only gained 5 oz. Not to mention the fact that I...
  11. maddensmom

    My second pre-natal appointment is Monday...

    and for some reason I am SO nervous!! I'm 13 weeks along (yay!) and I had my first pre-natal appointment when I was nine weeks. We got an early ultrasound and everything looked great--we even got to see our little peanut kicking and moving his/her little arms! The heart rate was a nice...
  12. maddensmom

    My Grandpa got into a fight with a table saw....

    and the table saw won. Just to clarify, this is not the grandpa that just went through the whole ordeal with cancer, this is my Dad's father. Anyway, late last night he was cutting some boards for some farm project and the board slipped and he got his left hand into the saw. His pinky...
  13. maddensmom

    Somehow, I thought you guys would understand this...

    So, its 1 am and I can't sleep. I'm browsing youtube when I come across this video: Talking Cats Instant heart cute!!! Then I see this in the description box: Translation And now I've got the giggles. At one in the a quiet house...having the giggles makes...
  14. maddensmom

    I have a HUGE announcement to make!!!!

    We're gonna have a baby!! We are so so so excited!!! I've took three home tests and went to the doctor yesterday to confirm!! I'm about five weeks along and due August 15, 2008! We've been waiting for this for so long, its the best Christmas present ever!
  15. maddensmom

    Tons of Updates on my Grandpa!

    I can't believe how long its been since I've updated you guys, so so sorry!! We are out of the ICU!!! We were on the floor for about two weeks and the day before yesterday he was checked into the rehab floor!!! So now, once he builds up all his strength, the next step is HOME! We're...
  16. maddensmom

    My Grandpa is off the Ventilator!!!!!

    I am so happy to post this update!!! This past Thursday marked one full month in the ICU for him, but as of yesterday he is off the vent! We are so happy! He is still in ICU for now, but should be moved to a room sometime this week we think. Right now he is hooked up to a CPAP machine just...
  17. maddensmom

    Update on my Grandpa, E-Wells, and a pic

    Well, we are still in the MICU. Two weeks as of yesterday. They put a trache in today to help keep him more comfortable while on the vent. They said if they left the tubes down his throat too long it would damage his vocal chords. This way he'll be able to eat and talk soon. He's still...
  18. maddensmom

    Tomorrow could be the worst day of my life.

    Tomorrow is the day that my grandpa goes in to have his tumor removed. Some of you may remember that he was diagnosed with lung cancer earlier this year, and has been going through chemo and radiation. Well tomorrow he is having surgery to remove the tumor. Its on the upper sector of his left...
  19. maddensmom

    Long time no see!! (updates and randomness)

    I've been away for far too long! I've been popping on and off but haven't really had a chance to post much lately. Our laptop completely died--it needs a new hard drive which is excuse enough for me to get a new computer which is exciting. Currently I'm using my mom's old desktop which...
  20. maddensmom

    I have a dilemma...

    I've always been good with dogs, I can read them well therefor training my own dogs has come naturally to me. I have a very close relationship with my dogs, and rarely have I ever met a situation I didn't know how to control, until recently. I have a 3 year old Lab/German Shepard mix named...