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  1. Z

    Any tips to stop the biting??

    Thank you for all the advice. Since Xmas, we've had two boxes (empty) in the livingroom that have become Kiddie's favorite toys so in addition to the fetching exercise we do with the sock, I think we may be able to keep him busy enough to not have him spent all his leisure time biting us...
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    Any tips to stop the biting??

    Thank you Amy for your help! I'll try that... I already puff in his face when he does it (my husband tends to give him a little swat on the behind) and I stop moving whatever part of the body he's biting but he'll move on to other parts; and when I stop moving completely sitting on the couch for...
  3. Z

    Any tips to stop the biting??

    Hi guys and happy new year! I need advice or tips, if such tips exist... My almost 3-month old kitten, Kiddie, is a real biter! He's adorable and never scratches but he bites non-stop! I know he's playing and giving quite a workout to his teeth but the little daggers are sharp and he does hurt...
  4. Z


    I've always fed adult food to my kits from the time they were about 2 months old, without paying attention to the labels Semiferal mentioned and they have always been very healthy and healthy. My 3-month old and my 4-year old eat the same Purina Chow and love it...
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    pictures of Kiddie

    Thank you everybody! We are quite proud of our little munchkin... and "notre grosse" Babs, even if she can be mean at times.
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    pictures of Kiddie

    Some of you have asked to see picture of Kiddie, my orphan kit raised by my hubby and I since birth. He will be 2 months old tomorrow, is extremely, extremely active and very attached to us. We just love him! I cannot thank you guys enough for all your advice and help in raising him!!! Here's...
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    6 week old kitty...what should I do?

    Thanks Katie. We raised Babs all by itself... She grew up fine but in return, hates any other animals. I'm hoping that Kiddie, just by being around Babs (even if she doesn't like him), will be sociable. Toots (Babs' "daughter" who passed away giving birth to Kiddie) was very social, even if Babs...
  8. Z

    6 week old kitty...what should I do?

    Katie, I read the article about having playmates for kittens... Can you give me advice as to what to do in my situation? I have a 4 year-old cat, Babs and Babs' grandson, Kiddie, who's 7 weeks old today. Babs cannot stand to have another cat in the house. We are keeping Kiddie (we've hand-reared...
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    We have new arrivals !!!

    Oh they are sooooooooo cute!!!!! And seem quite healthy too. Mum is a beauty. I've always wanted a black kittie... I always have orange cats it seems!!!
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    We have new arrivals !!!

    I know, it's nerve-wracking!!! How's the little family?? On her last litter, Babs only had one kitten! We looked everywhere for others but nothing! lol As far as opened eyes go... my latest Kitten opened his at the very tender age of 5 days... usually, takes about a week or a little more...
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    Litte update on Kiddie

    Hi guys! I haven't been around in a little while but thought of giving a little update on my orphan kit, Kiddie (since all you guys helped me so much in raising my very first hand-reared kitten!). He turned 6 weeks yesterday and is doing wonderfully! I litter-trained him a little over a week...
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    Congratulations!!!! What cute little guys! I'm very very very happy the labour went so well, that's awesome. The old expression "to give birth like a cat" sure is true in this case!! At this point, mommy will look after them so for the next few weeks, your job is to make sure they're all comfy...
  13. Z

    Questions - Introduction to food

    Kiddie is only 4 weeks old. I should wait at least another week? I always started weaning them at 5-6 weeks and today I read on the kitten rescue site that I could start now... although I find it a bit early... I'll start him on the littler tonight, though!
  14. Z

    Questions - Introduction to food

    Hi guys, Kiddo will be 5 weeks old next Sunday and we want to start weaning him (is that the correct term)? With other kits I've had in the past, the transition was smooth because they would eat a bit and go back to their momma for milk. But Kiddo has no momma and we are bottle-feeding him. How...
  15. Z

    At what age should we let him out?

    I'm so sorry Hissy for your loss! 5, that's terrible!!! Knock on wood, I've never lost a cat that way, although when I was a child, my cat climbed into my dad's car motor (we didn't know) and my dad turned on the ignition.... Melsa, where abouts are you?? I'm just outside of Ottawa. I've never...
  16. Z

    How do I get the kits to use the litter box?

    At 4 weeks, they should start using the litter? I was actually wondering about that. My kitten turned a month yesterday... He has no mommy to clean him up so we try to do the best we can. He doesn't seem to have much bladder control yet but it would be nice to start litter training him!
  17. Z


    Kathy... I know; I'm surprise too at how well it went and at how easy it actually was. We were lucky, we had a strong kit... He was lucky because he was left after birth on a cold basement floor for a few hours and didn't drink much at all for the first 2 days. But he's a strong little guy. We...
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    Thank you! Mischief, you're adorable. We've stopped trying to force introduction between Kiddo and his growling grandma: Babs! We've started to let Kid walk around in the house and Babs' not liking it. She growls, hisses and ultimately, just runs off somewhere. At least she doesn't attack; she...
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    He's the cutest and yes, I am biaised! The first picture is so typical of him... if I lay down on the couch to watch tv and he's on the couch too, he'll walk around and eventually sit infront of my face and stare at me with huge eyes, not saying a word, til I pet him or hold him. And then he purrs.
  20. Z


    Some had asked for pictures of my Kiddie (4 week old cutie, orphan since mom died at birth). They are not the best but they show a very healthy kit!! From a proud mama (I'll be a pest with pictures if I ever have kids!! )