Search Results

  1. bianca

    Pet shops in London?

    I didn't know where to post this thread, but... I'm going to London in march and I always buy something for my cats when I'm away. If there are any englishmen here who can tell me where a big pet shop in central London is, I'm very thankfully! I've been searching the net, but I don't find any...
  2. bianca


    Tarzan came home with his catch, I'm so proud of him... And then Timmy stole it
  3. bianca

    playing cats

    My two boys love to playfight, here is one funny picture:
  4. bianca

    Tarzan with his favourite toy, a q-tip

    One of my cats, Tarzan, is so fascinated of q-tips. He knocks the q-tip box over in the bathroom and picks one up and carries it to the livingroom where he can play with it. Here are some pics: And then Lulu wants to play too
  5. bianca

    Is Skin Allergy Hereditary?

    I'm asking for my friend who is a siamese breeder. She has a male siamese that have a skin allergy and she considers to neuter him because she doesn't want to breed him if the allergy is hereditary. Does anyone of you know something about this and can give me some links? Sorry about my bad...
  6. bianca

    My kitties have got a new website!

    I have made a new website for my kitties, I hope you'll take a look!
  7. bianca

    Timmy has been operated today

    I feel so sorry with my boy, he's been neutered, eartattoed and they've operated away the lump between his shoulders. He's been eating a bit and now he's sleeping on the couch. The vet has sent the lump for testing in England, I hope it's not VAS. The vet didn't think it was cancer, though, but...
  8. bianca


    My boys love to play in the snow Timmy is the red one and Tarzan is the white with black spots:
  9. bianca

    Anyone have experience with seizures?

    My kitten Timmy has had several seizures, started 3 weeks ago. He's been tested for so many things including a MR. The vet could see a swelling on the brain and thought it was caused by a virus infection. But the bloodtests were all negative and they don't know what it can be (he's been tested...
  10. bianca


    My kitten, Timmy, started last friday with seizures. That is the most scariest thing I've ever experiensed. He's taken several blood tests to find out what it can be and a biopsi is sent to Germany to find out if he's got FIP. But he hasn't got other symptoms relevated to FIP, but we took a...
  11. bianca

    My Balinese girl

    Here's a picture of Lulu, my Balinese girl. She arrived last week and she, Timmy and Tarzan are going on well. I've updated their website and included Lulu. There are more pictures there of the cats, so take a look
  12. bianca

    Timmy, Tarzan & Lulu

    Hi, here are some photo's of my kitties Timmy Tarzan Lulu (she arrives this friday!)
  13. bianca

    Hi everyone

    I'm Bianca and I'm from Norway. I have two cats called Timmy & Tarzan, and this friday my Balinese girl called Lulu is arriving. I'm so excited!! I look forward to chat with you and your cats