Search Results

  1. M

    name recognition?

    do cats ever really learn their names like dogs? i know penelope will come to me if i call her (if im lucky.) but i think that has to do more with voice tone recognition and she will come to me by hand signals (sort of like the chicken dance hands) but seems to not really get the name thing...
  2. M

    face bats

    hello! in the past few weeks, my cat who is about 18-19 months old has started to bat me in the face in the mornings in a playful way. usually she starts around 730 because i feed her at 830, but even if i do give in and get up and feed her, she eats her food and then comes and does it again! i...
  3. M

    weird meowing with certain toy

    hello! my cat is 1.5 years old and in the past few months has developed an odd behavior - every night before bed, she walks around with this toy chicken that shes had since she was little and meows with it in her mouth. the meow is a really odd meow, like a moaning. she will walk around with...