Search Results

  1. S

    It's a Miricle!

    My cat Beau's left eye has been irritated for as long as I can remember. I've pushed all kinds of ointments into it. never seems to help. Only results seemed to be scratches on my hands. I moved and ended up buying cat litter from Walmart instead of the brand I used to get at the supermarket...
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    Strange Kitty

    Tika was the last to become part of out Cat collection. We got her because Myah was being outcast by the other two cats and was becoming a punching bag for Chaka. We figured by adding a fourth cat to the mix it would even the numbers and things might iron themselves out. This idea didn't work...
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    Cat Wranglin'

    Saw this video and thought it might be fun to share.
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    Up at 12:00 AM

    Up at 12:00 AM finish packing, Grab the cat and head out at 2:30 for a 5 hour drive for some Rural Vet service. Kitty will be ready to go home at 3:00pm. What to do with the time? How about a 1400 foot vertical ascend up Borestone Mountain in Maine to snap a pic and head back down to pic up our...
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    Medical Tourism

    Medical Tourism, It's real, just google it and you'll get the picture. If I had no insurance you bet I'd head out of the country for a $9000 quadruple bypass. Now I realize that my cat needs some dental work and has to be anesthetized to have his teeth cleaned. I was actually booking the...
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    My Thin Cat

    My cat Beau has always been thin. I've always wondered if there was something wrong but because he eats I just figured he was just thin. If you stroke his back you can feel his spine and if you grasp his waist you can feel his hip bones. You cant see his ribs but you can feel them if you run...
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    My Goose is Cooked

    With knowledge that nobody would be around New Years I figured I'd cook a Goose that I'm sure nobody in the family would really enjoy. Boy was I wrong. Every time I went near the stove I got the claws pulling me back as to demand some of that wonderful meat. Four cats.. that's forty claws! I...
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    Drinking Water

    Just thought i'd share this link to a video of a cat drinking water from the faucet at the kitchen sink.
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    I'm Flying!

    Here's a pic of our boy Beau coming in for a landing.
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    Gotta See This

    I know they're not cats but I found this while tooling around the net looking for all things good. Go to this forum and scroll down till you see the thread "In MY Backyard" Truly amazing!
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    Here's a pic of our youngest cat Tika. She's a firecracker!
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    They Threw The Cats Out

    Our neighbors decided it cost too much to care for their cats so they threw them out. These cats have never been out of the house. Now they're under my porch. I guess If I can catch them on a Saturday morning I could bring them up to a shelter in rural Maine. I cant take them because we have 4...
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    Runny Eye

    Myah has a runny eye. Sometimes it appears half closed especially in the morning. I have to pick the crud off her eye from time to time. She came from a slob breeder with URI and probably feline herpes. She's about six years old and this has been going on since she was a kitten. I'm wondering if...
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    Mexican Jumping Beans

    The Mrs. and I were talking about how we enjoy watching our cats play. Mexican Jumping Beans came up in discussion. Although we can't get them until June we're wondering if they will be safe fro our cats. I bet they would have a ball batting them around!
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    Best Cat Experience

    I've posted before about our build in rural Maine. I'm so excited about the Bobcats we have out back. First I noticed the tracks in the snow. Then I was finding droppings here and there. So I knew we had a few cats on the hill. The last two weeks we spent framing the house. One morning I took...
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    Breaking Ground

    We've finally broken ground to build a home in rural Maine. We're so excited!
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    Lovers in the Laundry

    Is this too graphic?
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    We Got Kittys!

    We're building in rural Maine in an effort to change our lifestyle in retirement years later. I went up this weekend to get the foundation guy going and pot up some apple trees. There's a pond out back somewhere and we decided to hike into the woods and find it. All went well and we found the...
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    Coal heat in the UK

    Anybody from the UK? Have some questions about heating your home. We're moving to a rural area and are considering solid fuel but the U.S. seems to out of touch with solid fuels. Anybody use a solid fuel boiler?
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    Chaka on Ebay

    Chaka, Our wonderful Seal Sepia female bengal has had it in her mind to beat up on her sister cat Myah for a few years now. We can't let it go on anymore. We have four cats and she seems to have it in for only one of our cats. I have tried everything. I'm at my wits end. Can anybody take this...