Search Results

  1. G

    Automatic cat feeders

    I've been using a Wal Mart feeder that is somewhat suspect for years.  Other than chewing through batteries and having a few design flaws, its been great. however it only offers about five meals, and I'm going to need about two. Thought I'd just go on Amazon and find something that looked...
  2. G

    Reintroducing dog and cat

    When I first got Waffles she wouldn't leave my side....had to be in the same room as me....VERY talkative....and loved to sit on my lap. As she got a little older and declawed she wasn't quite the faithful companion, but still was a great cat. My girlfriend got a dog a few years ago....the cat...
  3. G

    Sad day for my teenage cat

    Well I don't visit this site much......the first time was in 05......and then almost a year later when my cat lost a struggle with lung issues. After Jazz passed away, I swore I'd never get another animal. I didn't ever want to be in a...
  4. G

    Support for a fellow cat owner

    I came to this site several years ago when my companion of seven years was doing poor. This morning, a coworker of mine was on her way to the vet to make a very difficult decision. Her cat has had diabetes for several years and his...
  5. G

    Please say a prayer for Jasmine

    My cat of 7 years that I got my sophomore year of college is very sick. I am currently waiting at the restaurant down the street from the vet. She has had breathing trouble so I took her to the vet and it turns out that she might have lung cancer. I took her in today after all the blood tests...