Search Results

  1. G

    Kind Discipline for cats

    My cat keeps on puling out the pink stuff from a small hole in the wall that was made by squirles a long time ago. I can't board up the hole (don't ask) so I tape some cardbord to the wall but she just tears it up. So when I see her doing it I pull her away and yell at her. Then she aviods me...
  2. G

    Easter cat e-cards?

    Is the catsite going to have Easter cat e-cards? My family just loves the e-cards on here.
  3. G

    Cosmic Catnip Scratching Post

    I bought a new scratching post for Luna the other day. When I set up the scratching post and put the catnip in it she acually started scratching it!Well, acually she was rolling on it because of the fresh catnip. She wouldn't leave it alone the hole night. But the next day all she did was...
  4. G

    Luna's Birthday

    Friday is Luna's birthday. I was woundering if any one else selebrated their cat's birthday.
  5. G

    Love Glove?

    I just got a new present for Christmas called the love glove. It's a kind of glove that collects shedding fur. It dosn't rely work fore my cat. Dose it work for your cat or dog?
  6. G

    Has therer ever been a cat breed that no one was allergic to?

    Has therer ever been a cat breed that no one was allergic to?
  7. G

    My cat is eating Dog food.

    I ran out of cat food and now my cat is eating dog food. Could this harm her at all?
  8. G

    The Cat Site Postcards

    I just wanted to say that I love the postcards on this site. Especily the holiday ones. Dose anyone know if there will be any more postcards added to the sit soon?
  9. G

    Do parents whant presents from thier kids?

    Every year at Christmas my parents say that I don't have to get them anything. Are they saying the truth or do they rely want something from me? Do you say the same thing to your kids?
  10. G

    My couch is a scraching post to my cat!

    I am so furios! Ever since the first day I got my cat she has been using the couch as a scraching post. I have tried every thing. Trying to scar her, scwerting her the small watergun. I just don't know what to do. My father is getting so mad I'm suprised we still have her. What should I do?
  11. G

    Plane just crashed into Queens!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was just watching tv when there was breaking news that said a US plane crashed into Queens. Could this be another terorist attac?
  12. G

    What Other Kind of Pets do You Have?

    I was just curios about what other kinds of pets people had besides cats.
  13. G

    Fun With Tour Cat

    I just got this rely cool cat kit for kids and adults called Fun With Your Cat. It seems rely cool. It says on the back that you can find out if your cats can tast sweets, know your cat's personality and alot more. I already tried the cat glasses on to see what collors cats see. They see mostly...
  14. G

    Worst Halloween Ever!

    Since I'm still 12 I go out trick or treating. I told my parents I didn't want them to come along with me. They wouldn't let me out all alone so my 15 year old brother went with me. It seemed great at first with practicly no one around so I was able to get hand fulls of candy. When we were...
  15. G

    Luna got spayed

    Just a second ago luna came back from the vets. She looks so much skinnier than usaual. And she's walking funny. The vet said the operation went just fine and she would be back to normal in a cople of days.
  16. G

    Paws and Reflect

    Does anyone go to the Paws and Reflect section? It's a great section of the site. I like it because of the poetry. I would of thought people on here would like poetry and cat storys. Every one in my class thinks poetry is boring too. I bet I'm the only 12 year old that likes poetry. I just whish...
  17. G

    How is my poem?

    I was wondering what people thought of my poem, My Cat Luna. So here is a pole rateing from 1-10.
  18. G

    Poem Poles

    Is it OK to put up poles asking what people think about my poems in the paws and reflect section? :confused3
  19. G

    My Cat Luna

    I have written these poems for school. But I like to think of it as writing fore fun because these poems were fun to write. If you have any questions or coments on the poems I would like to here them. You can also tell me what you didn't like about the poems. Don't wory I will not be ofended. I...
  20. G

    Whow many cats do you have?

    How many cats do you have?