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  1. M

    Licking? Is this my cats way of saying hello or...

    I have a wonderful two going on 3 year old spayed female part Maine coon cat "Maggie."She has always been a people person cat. She loves LOVES to lick those people she is closest to...She licks mostly your face -kitty kisses, and hands and arms and sometimes anything that is exposed. I am...
  2. M

    Crazy Cat Tricks...

    I just read a thread about things us cat owners do to embarass our pets. How about what our pets do that is just kinda silly....I have two cats, Charlie and Maggie. They are both grey tigers but Charlie is short hair and I am willing to bet the Maggster has some Maine Coon in her...looks and...
  3. M

    Drinks Gatorade ?

    Maggie is our 3 year old cat who drinks a ton of water (always has, no health problems) but she also loves LOVES contact lens solution, and popcicles, and peanut butter, and other things cats are not supposed to like, but tonite, I was having some Grape Gatorade, and Maggie, being Mags, wanted...