Search Results

  1. K

    diet causing stress?

    I have one cat that is licking the fur off his legs and another cat that isn't using the litterbox. This sounds to me like there is some sort of stress in the household! A couple months ago, the vet recommended that I reduce (by about 10%) the amount of food the cats get. Do you think that...
  2. K

    Cleaning up urine

    Thank you Sandie. I'm glad there is an easier way to find any urine spots other than my poor nose. And after your raving reviews, I'm ordering some Nok-out today!
  3. K

    Cleaning up urine

    I've read so many threads about cats that have litterbox problems. And I've always been so grateful that I have never had that problem with my cats. Well now it's happened to me. Twice I have caught Nubi peeing on piles of dirty clothes in my bedroom. (Yeah I know, I shouldn't throw my dirty...
  4. K

    music taste

    I have to put a plug in for my absolute favorite - which hasn't been mentioned yet. I love Ani Difranco. Her lyrics are always so true. My other favorites are Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, Bjork, PJ Harvey... I'm into female voices lately. I also enjoy Tool and NIN among others.
  5. K

    Ears and teeth

    My vet told me to clean the ears of one of my cats. Nubi doesn't have mites, and hasn't had them for as long as he's been with me (about a year). He just has a brown, greasy substance that looks like normal body oils. The vet said he just didn't clean his ears well enough. (Although I do...
  6. K

    Cats eat the strangest things!

    I'm so excited to see that there are other cross-stitchers here. I was just wondering last night how anyone else deals with their cats when stitching. Unfortunately my cats won't ignore my projects if I set them down. That just means they are free to sit on the fabric or eat the floss...
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    I also love to cross stitch, which can be a challenge when the cats are in a playful mood. I have just starting growing plants, mostly herbs. I also enjoy reading and yoga.
  8. K

    Problems with ClindaCure antibiotic?

    Have any of you had problems with ClindaCure antibiotic? The ingredient list says "Each mL contains Clindamycin hydrochloride equivalent to clindamycin 25mg and ethyl alcohol, 8.64%" The vet gave me this antibiotic for Nubi after he had a dental cleaning. I've given it to Nubi 7 times now...
  9. K

    Anybody watch CSI?

    I love it. Watch it every week.
  10. K

    blood work on healthy cat?

    Thanks for your thoughts everyone. I just talked to the vet and got a little more information. The tests are completely optional since my cat is only about 15 months old. She said that they do about 18 tests to check liver function, kidney function, blood protein volume, etc. It sounds...
  11. K

    blood work on healthy cat?

    I'm taking my cat in on Friday for a dental cleaning. The vet recommends that I get some blood work done before he goes under. (Not sure exactly what kind of blood work...) They require this work for cats over 5 yrs old, but just recommend it for younger cats - mostly to establish a baseline...
  12. K

    When is it too cold?

    Thanks for the advice. It's good to know that they will know if it's too cold. And now I am looking forward to watching them play in the snow. It sounds like Onyx has a good time out there, Melissa! My cats stay on my deck (it's enclosed), so I don't have worry about too many dangers. And I...
  13. K

    Odd Snacking ;)

    My cats also love rubber bands and any long, skinny things. Rubber bands and any strings are immediately put in a drawer or up high when they are not being used. They are also great hunters of insects. I'm pretty squeamish about bugs, so I'm glad I have the cats to take care of them. I put...
  14. K

    When is it too cold?

    I let my indoor cats go out on the deck when I am home. It's starting to get cold around here and am wondering if they'll still want to go outside in the winter. Owners of indoor/outdoor cats, does it ever get so cold where your cat doesn't want to go outside? Is there some temperature/wind...
  15. K

    Who did you name your pet's after ?

    I used to be an astronomer so I named mine after stars. Zubi comes from Zubeneschmali and Nubi comes from Zubenelgenubi. These are stars in the constellation Scorpio. I believe the names are Arabic (most star names are) and mean northern claw and southern claw.
  16. K

    New! Music with the postcards

    I just heard "Stray Cat Strut" by the Stray Cats last night. Very popular 80's song. I wonder if any of their other songs have cat themes?
  17. K

    A Not-so serious One

    Friday night I heard a loud bang that woke me up. Nothing too unusual, Nubi and Zubi are pretty frisky at night. Normally I fall back asleep figuring that whatever they've done can wait til morning to clean up, but this was just too loud to ignore. I walked into my living room and found the...
  18. K


    Thanks all for the warm welcome. And thanks for thinking my cats are adorable. It makes a "mom" feel proud. (I keep wondering how I'm going to act when I have *real* babies!) Dawn - I'm in Arden Hills, a suburb of St. Paul. You moved from MN to TX - that's quite a change in weather. One...
  19. K


    Hello everyone. I'm so excited to have found a place where I can talk about my cats to people who care. I pretty much bore everyone else, I seem to be surrounded by dog people. I've attached a picture of my two adorable cats, Nubi and Zubi. Aren't they sweet? They are littermates and I...