Search Results

  1. N

    unhappy cat?

    my baby has been losing fur lately... over her eyes, behind her ears and around her muzzle. last week i took her to the vet for a general health checkup, and he said it could be allergies, scabies or fleas. i only have one cat- and she almost never goes outside- and our living conditions haven't...
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    Balding ears?

    Sorry to make two threads in a day, but I just realized, my cat's ears are balding. Or what seems like balding. I'm away at college the whole week, and only on weekends I'm home, so I didn't notice sooner, I guess. She's a domestic short-hair, so the back of her ears have always been very short...
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    Pain meds for spaying

    I've scheduled my baby to be spayed on june 23rd. It's going to be at our local humane shelter, because they do it for 50 dollars and my mom's not willing to pay the 180-350 that the veterinary hospitals around here offer. I asked them about the process; they told me that the cat shouldn't drink...
  4. N

    Splitting claws?

    Everyone knows what hangnails are like, right? My cat's sort of having a problem with her claws that's like having hangnails. I think maybe I trimmed her claws a bit uncleanly a while ago and her clawtips haven't grown back properly. In any case, two of her left-paw claws have been splitting...
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    In heat? :S

    She's about the right age, Pouncer that is. Going on 7 months, and she just started on Monday- roughly the first day of spring. She's right on time. :P She's been going around the house meowing, chirping, purring and rolling excessively around on the carpet. She's being VERY vocal, which is...
  6. N

    "ew! this food is poo!" - says Pouncer

    Yesterday my mom and I went out and bought a 6.5 lb. bag of Eukanuba kitten kibble for Pouncer. She's been eating wet food these first 6 months of her life, and I decided it was time she got kibble into her diet. We also wanted to start her on a routine where she could eat wet food for...
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    Signs of a happy, contented cat

    I'm not sure where to suggest this... but I would love to see a sticky in this forum with a list of signs of a happy, contented cat. My cat seems to be content with her life, but sometimes I'm not so sure. What signs should I be looking for?
  8. N

    lazy kitty?

    a few weeks ago i noticed that my kitten has taken up the habit of idly lying around the house. it used to be that she'd get up and run around all over the place, especially when we engage in a game like tag- but i notice now that when i'm "it" she spontaneously rolls over onto her side and back...
  9. N

    Feeding questions

    Hm, my Pouncer gets 1 can of wet food a day altogether, in meals of 1/3 of the can each time. She's at a full 5 months now, but I don't know how much she weighs. At her initial vet visit as a 5 week old kitten she was 14 ounces- I think.. I haven't had her weighed since. My problem is that...
  10. N

    not liking catnip?

    I've heard from everyone that cats are just wild about catnip. When I first went out kitty supply shopping for Pouncer, I made sure to buy a bag. To my surprise, when I opened it and showed her, she merely sniffed at it and walked away to her jingly bell ball. :P So I tried sprinkling a bit on...
  11. N

    Ugh, pricey flea protection!

    When I first gave Pouncer flea treatment, the tube came free with her little "Kitten Package". The vet told me it was the newest and best flea prevention treatment out there for cats- Revolution. I was fine with that, and it lasts a month. I called into the vet's office around the end of the...
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    litterbox issues

    gah. every time i clean out pouncer's litterbox, i notice that she likes to pee at the sides of the box, rendering the newspaper and wet litter to clump up the sides and give me a heck of a time trying to scoop. she doesn't like the middle, despite that the litter there is clean and dry. she...
  13. N

    Pouncer won't eat :/

    She had her second round of vaccination shots today that included some blood withdrawal for FL and FIV testing. The vet said her left back leg would probably be sore for a while due to that. I noticed her hiding under the bed, so i carefully lifted her out (she meowed in complaint anyway; I...
  14. N

    winged kitties :O

    (mods please feel free to move this, as i'm not a breeder or anything... but i thought it might belong in here since this is for discussion forum for cat genetics as well) has anyone here heard of a condition on cats (some dogs, too) called cutaneous anthesia? it's a kind of condition where...
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    kitty music!

    does anyone ever sing to their cat? lol. i just thought of this, because once in a while when i can't get pouncer to fall asleep (yes, she has a bedtime!) i'll sing a lullaby, and most of the time she does fall asleep to it! my boyfriend says his mom used to own a blue-point siamese, and she...
  16. N

    scritchy scratchy! (and some other behaviors i would love to have explained :D)

    my kitty is free of fleas, having had revolution treatment and a bath. lately i've noticed she's taken to scratching around her chin, though... like what she used to do when she DID have fleas. it's not time yet for her revolution re-application. i've combed and searched, and found no fleas. is...
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    eating foriegn objects?

    my kitty has a love of playing with string- all kinds of string. cloth, ribbon, lace- you name it, as long as it's long and dangly and she can swat at it, she will. the problem is, like most kitties, she likes to bite and chew at the string... a few days ago i saw a bit of red in her poo. i...
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    I'm praying that I'm not allergic to my baby, but I could be. :P I've never been allergic to cats before, and I'm not allergic to dogs either. But ever since we've gotten Pouncer my allergies are sneaking up on me when I play with her. The thing is, sometimes my eyes will get watery/I'll start...
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    Color of poo?

    I have a 6 week old baby... what color should a kitten's feces be? I've cleaned her litterbox several times and it seems that her poo is usually black, sometimes brown. Normal?
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    Making your own cat toys

    is there anyone here who's in the habit of making their own cat toys? when i visited petco and looked at how much it was just for a little ball with a bell in it, i went home and made my own. i'm proud to say that Pouncer has over five toys and they costed me next to nothing- some old socks, old...