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  1. T

    I have to quit, any suggestions???

    Its really not that hard nicorete gum or the patch unless youre sensitive to lastex it worked for me good luck with that sweetey val:
  2. T

    Need Advice..

    If i were u I wouldnt jump so quickly into love its tricky after a long relationship u need love, And u need it now but dont jump on the band wagon let youreself heal and then see where u are he just might be an infatuation so dont jump to quickly val;
  3. T

    Feed a Fever, Starve A Cold, or...

    My husband says u can sweet out a cold I dont think thats true if i could just get some input because I know the antibodies kill the germs in youre body and if u stayed wrapped up to long then u over heat and get a fever which u really dont want so can someone help me out here val: