Search Results

  1. C

    Teritorial or ???

    We are having a bit of a problem with our oldest Charlie (almost 1 year). Anytime anyone comes to our apartment he gets upset. He doesn't hide, he just looks at them (and us) and howls. It has gone as far as growling and hissing at a couple of people (my mom and my husbands mom mainly). Our...
  2. C

    Kitten Killer ???

    Hi everyone!! We are having a bit of a problem with our resident cat Charlie (7 months) and his new little brother Casey (6 weeks?). Charlie has been an "only cat" since we got him at the end of July at the age of 10 weeks. He's a really sweet cat, but he can be very aggressive during play. We...
  3. C

    attack cat

    Hello all. I've been visiting the site for a few weeks now and I've decided that I need your advice. Charlie is now 4 months old and he's going through a bit of an aggressive phase. We've tried every adversive we know from spraying him with a water bottle (which doesn't seem to distract him at...