Search Results

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    Merry Christmas from Darwin!

    Here's another picture I made: (Not Christmas related)
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    Darwin's back... with pictures too!

    Faster then a speeding bullet! I don't need to come inside for a nap, mum! I'll just sleep out here! It's a flying saucer! No...wait its an egg salad sandwich!
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    Rescue Cats

    Is your cat a rescue? If it is, post some before and after pictures. Or just some before, or just some afters! Before: -Laurr
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    Time Zones

    OK so everyone put what time it is, and quote, so we can see all of our members time zones! IxheartxDarwin 2:40 PM
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    seperation anxiety

    Do you think that Darwin has seperation anxiety? He meows constantly if no one is home, is attatched to me all day, and is ALWAYS in the same room as me. If I am not in the kitchen, he will not eat. My dog is always making sure that Darwin is not alone though. Piccy of Darwin: -Laurr
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    At the cottage

    Here are some pics of Darwin at the cottage: Super Kitty! Jump!
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    new darwin photo

    I couldn't resist... Picture removed as it was larger than the size we require
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    Presenting... Darwin!

    I'm new, but I thought I would post some pictures of my furbaby. Nap... Bath time! Prezzys?
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    heyy guys im laurr... im new here, i have 1 cat named darwin (in my sig) well... this seems like a friendly place! well... i cant see my signature... any reason why? -Laurr
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    Cat attacks :(

    Hey guys, I love Darwin to death, but, sometimes, he digs into my feet, or he attacks my face with his arms outstretched. He is a hymalayan mountain cat, (i kno i didnt spell that rite) 3 years old, I adopted him a year ago. Sugestions? IxheartxDarwin