Search Results

  1. M

    Cat Peeing

    My cat has done this on occasion with different items that he likes and I want to find a way to stop it from happening again. Most recently, tonight, my cat was playing with the rug by the front door. He often rolls all over it for some odd reason but he does this every night and he just...
  2. M

    Flea infestation

    I'm currently in the process of moving into a new basement suite. There has been a recent flea infestation there over the 3 weeks. The suite has been fumigated once but I was over there yesterday and today and noticed that there are still fleas jumping all over me. Apparently they haven't...
  3. M

    Soft paws?

    Has anyone tried Soft Paws on their kitties? My cat LOVES my couch. He likes to crawl on it, lay on it, roll on it, play on it and unfortunately . . . he likes to claw it. So I'm wondering about Soft Paws. The other thing . . . if I were to get Soft Paws for Giles do you think that his...
  4. M

    Cat Boarding for timid & sensitive cat?

    I'm in a situation where I will be homeless for 2 weeks as I have already given my notice but the place that I've got lined up isn't available until 2 weeks after I move out of my current house. It's hard enough to find a place for me to stay for two weeks let alone my cat who doesn't like...