Search Results

  1. M


    My siamese Skye is very vocal....she will just sit there and meow whenever she wants attention or doesn't get her way. I go outside the house and I can hear her. She is a very smart girl and can be quite a pain. She like to open the doors in the house pestering everybody. I must say was quite...
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    Roofie's Cat-a-Tonic Bar & Grill

    Ohh so many I can't choose! Vodka milkshake with Catnip on the Rim sounds good
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    Roofie's Cat-a-Tonic Bar & Grill

    Thanks for birthday congrats. I would like some grilled shrimp and scallops That's my favorite!
  4. M

    Skye's Birthday Pictures

    After I took the pictures I ended up taking all of the food off the kabob so she could eat it better. But she loves all of the stuff I put on it...that's why I chose that as her meal.
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    Skye's Birthday Pictures

    Skye says she would enjoy that very much She says you bring the catnip and it's a date
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    Skye's Birthday Pictures

    She enjoys her stroller because when we walk she always expects me to carry her. If I don't pick her up she will jump in my arms.....even though she's the one who wanted to go out in the first place. I will have to take her out again when it's not 90+ degrees out
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    Lets see your close ups!!

    Close ups of Skye and Pachita...some of you may have seen these before.
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    Skye's Birthday Pictures

    Skye just turned 2 today. Here is a picture of her birthday meal. She had shrimp, scallop, and apple kabobs. She finished all except some apple which she though was inferior to the rest. Then here are some pictures of her birthday present. I got her a Kittywalk Pet Stroller SUV. I got it a...
  9. M

    Scattergories Game...want to play?

    Komodo dragon Type of sweet food (L)
  10. M

    What color is your cat?

    I have a Siamese and a Calico so I chose Calico.
  11. M

    Cat sleeps like a crazy man

    Quite a few times my Skye kitty has given me a scare. She will be lying there with me not moving at all and I will check on her. She will be completly limp so I will say her name Skye, SKYE! and still nothing. Then I will move her face and it just drops back down. After this I started freaking...
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    Scattergories Game...want to play?

    Ice Movie (J)
  13. M

    Game: Word Association

    Mad cow disease T-shirt
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    Game: Word Association

    Cavity Tomato
  15. M

    Think a gallon of gas is expensive?

    My stepdad just told me that gas is $6.77 a gallon in the Netherlands ...and we think it's expensive here. Still here it's ridiculous. If you bought the evian or the rest of the stuff in a pack it would be much cheaper to use as gas...still expensive though.
  16. M

    How did you chose your cats name?

    I forgot to add my kitty sugar. She was white so thats how I picked the name. I left my dads to see my mom and he called to tell me she had kittens and had gotten rid of them all including sugar, also along with that news he told me that my duck had been killed by a wild animal. They never took...
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    Look What I Made!

    That is so cute! How did you make that? Mika looks just like my Skye kitty when she was a little younger.
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    Not a smoker. When I was little I was always horribly sick and went to the doctors. I found out I was allergic to smoke. Both me and my mom get sick when we are around it.
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    Greatest accomplishments??

    Probably my photography
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    Game: Word Association

    Cry Bouncy