Search Results

  1. missriss

    How To Get Feral Kittens

    They are working with us but only when they are home so time is limited back there. I was there this morning but after 5 minutes they asked us to come a different time.
  2. missriss

    How To Get Feral Kittens

    They are in our neighbors yard so we have limited access to them. We have food out in our front yard and the mom eats there occasionally, but she's super scared of people so we don't see her a lot. I was hoping to just grab them from under shed (Not ideal but limited time) but since I can see...
  3. missriss

    How To Get Feral Kittens

    One of the community cats had kitten s and is keeping them under my neighbors shed. They are probably 6 or 7 weeks old. We want to get the kittens so they can be socialized and adopted and looking for advice! I've tried looking through the hole they have but am met with a wall of dirt. I am...
  4. missriss

    Landlords And Declawing

    Thanks for standing up for kitty claws!
  5. missriss

    Getting Mats Out

    Hey everyone I currently have a foster/potential forever cat named Gypsy. We think she is part Maine Coon or Forest Cat (So much floof!). She has some matting on the side of neck and I was wondering if those dematting rakes work if it's closer to the skin. It's not touching I can put my finger...
  6. missriss

    Is It Ok To Have Only 1 Cat?

    Definitely mother wrong with single cat households though! You don't *~have~* to do anything :redheartpump:
  7. missriss

    Is It Ok To Have Only 1 Cat?

    Also depends on age. Kittens adopted together are more likely to get along than adult cats (a year or older). :biggrin: Personality definitely matters more with adult cats where as kittens help each other. I wish I had another cat when Baxter was 7/8 months because he was a terror! Even now he...
  8. missriss

    Is It Ok To Have Only 1 Cat?

    If interested adopting 2 kittens vs 1 really great because they keep each other out of trouble. Rather than destroying things they just play with each other. Of course it's not necessary but a lot of people recommend 2 kittens vs 1 for this reason.
  9. missriss

    Introducing Covered Litterbox

    Hey everyone! So I am currently Fostering/socializing Gypsy the Semi- Feral and she is doing really well. I want to see if she will use a covered litterbox. Right now she has an uncovered box, but since all the other cats use covered without issue I am curious if she will too. I know some cats...
  10. missriss

    Teen Cat Bites Hard

    Stopping the playing or petting when he bites is good. When in groups if a cat gets too rough the other will teach it that it's not acceptable behavior. Since you've had him since he was so young he didn't get taught by other kitties. Also saying No! Or Ow! With the walking away will help...
  11. missriss

    What treats do you feed your cat?

    My cat is really picky and will just try to bury treats he doesn't like. He loves Friskies Party Mix which is so annoying because I try to feed him well, but I also love hostess cupcakes and those arent great for me so I figured we are even. ❤
  12. missriss

    Socializing Semi-Feral Help!

    Since Gypsy is really attached to my Resident cat and seems to be more at ease with him and actually comes out of hiding I am thinking of giving him more access to the patio (Where we have her right now). I'm thinking of rigging a cat door to my bedroom window to allow him access when its...
  13. missriss

    Looking For Chicken Free Treats

    We were looking at dog treats but we weren't sure! Thanks!
  14. missriss

    Looking For Chicken Free Treats

    I live in a house with 4 kitties. 1 is mine 2 are my cousins and 1 we are fostering. One of my cousin's cats Figaro who is the oldest resident at 15 is currently having some gastrointestinal issues. He started losing weight but eating constantly, being constipated, and really really grumpy...
  15. missriss

    Socializing Semi-Feral Help!

    Any other promising signs to look out for? I want to start feeding her wet food in the morning as well as night (which I already do) but she isn't very active during the day and I don't think she would eat it????
  16. missriss

    Resolved Old Emojis?

    Thanks! I didn't see anything about it so thought I'd ask. Not a huge deal I just really love emojis! Haha
  17. missriss

    Resolved Old Emojis?

    Is there a place where the old emojis are? I miss them! :(
  18. missriss

    Cat is destructive when left alone

    Before you leave try having a good play session 10 - 20 minutes to tire her our and make her un interested in "hunting" other things. Cats work is hunt, eat, clean, sleep, repeat. Play is what is going to make all the difference for her because all that destruction is the unused energy she has...
  19. missriss

    Cat is destructive when left alone

    He is 3 and will still occasionally shred paper if he is really bored. Is she only allowed in He is 3 and will still occasionally shred paper if he is really bored. Is she only allowed in your room? That could be why she's destructive/bored. 