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  1. S

    Devastated at losing my beautiful boy

    Thank you Wealthy1, it's so hard isn't it. Nothing really to get up for except two noisy kids. Unlike many people I know the children never replaced my cats and they always had the same love and attention from me, If not more, than before. If you don't mind me asking how long have you been...
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    Devastated at losing my beautiful boy

    Thank you so much Zed, I know what you mean about doing anything for our beautiful cats, it's heartbreaking they have to leave us but I hope you too are able to take comfort from the pure love we have for them Xx
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    Devastated at losing my beautiful boy

    Thank you so much for your kind words which I found great comfort from. You are right Scratchy had struggled after his brother died, I hope they have found each other again. You are so right about the emptiness and the raw grief, it's overwhelming being at home expecting to see my little buddy...
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    Devastated at losing my beautiful boy

    I have to admit that has come into my mind a few times, then I feel sick at the thought of even trying to love another like I did my boys ... but I don't think I will last very long without a cat friend. The house is so quiet and clean it's horrible. Would happily hear my Scratchy howling at 2am...
  5. S

    Devastated at losing my beautiful boy

    It's horrendous isn't it. It was awful when I lost his brother but I still had him to pull me through. You are right mornings and food times. Even the sun shining on his bed (I can't put it away yet) makes me so upset. I wish they lived the same length as us. Thank you for taking the time to...
  6. S

    Devastated at losing my beautiful boy

    On Saturday I had to say goodbye to my little boy and life for the past 18 years like alot of people on here i am so devastated I don't know how to even live without him. It all feels too raw after having to put his brother to sleep only five months ago, he was really poorly with an overactive...