Search Results

  1. lesulm16

    Vomiting Undigested Food

    My three year old cat Ava has recently been throwing up undigested food. It has happened every few days but when I got home from work today there was two mounds of it. She acts normal and is still using the litter box. She is fed twice a day, around 8 am and 8 pm and she gets blue wilderness...
  2. lesulm16

    My Cat Is Talented

    Not sure if I chose the right forum but here it is. My cat is talented, so talented in fact that she can lose every single one of her toys in about 10 minutes. What I mean by lose is swat them under the oven, fridge, washer, dryer, bookcase, any closed door in the house and then she cries when...
  3. lesulm16

    Feliway for meowing

    I recently adopted a cat and she is a great cat. She always uses the litter box, loves attention, has a very good tenperment but she meows all the time. Sometimes she meows for attention in which case I ignore her and sometimes she just wanders around the house meowing. It doesn't seem like a...
  4. lesulm16

    New Kitty

    This is my first post and I hope this is the right place. So I just adopted a 3 year old female less than a week ago. All night she sits in the window and cries.I called the humane society I adopted her from to ask if she was an outdoor cat in her first home. Well, they told me she was bonded to...