Search Results

  1. ajennell

    Do you let your cat sleep in your bed with you at night?

    This is me on any given night. I don't move around a lot (sometimes not at all) so they think it's the best place ever. I don't usually have any problems, unless one of the boys (on the right) feel like messing with the little black one (on the left) or our female tabby (not pictured.) I would...
  2. IMG_20160218_132928_075.jpg


  3. ajennell

    UTI Pain - home medication?

    Thank you for the links. I'll read through them today and hopefully the will help manage his problem.  I gave him the last of the buprenorphine I had from the last infection, but I think it was under a dose. Hopefully that little bit will help. I gave him a massage and he started pouring, so...
  4. ajennell

    UTI Pain - home medication?

    Hi everyone,  I'm in need of some information to help my kitty, Geno.  In January he had a major crystal blockage (3rd time) and the vet opted to perform a perineal urethostomy. Since then he's been having a lot of UTI problems and we have been experimenting on what foods are best for him...