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    tuna juice usually works for my cats when they're sick. they can't resist the smell, despite they're lack of wanting to drink. drain a can of tuna and give the liquid to him.
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    My cat won't stop throwing up HELP!

    my cat had the same vomit issue. she was much older, 15. I thought it would go away (used different food brand or just overeating). I came home and she was crying in pain. immediately took her to the vet, he took blood to test (had slightly high thyroid levels). the next day she died (of stroke...
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    Did philodendron kill my cat?

    I just want to know if it's possible that philodendron could've been the cause of my cat's death. I left town for five days, leaving my roommates to care for my two cats. When I returned, Bri (my now dead cat) was crying in pain. I immediately took her to the vet. He took blood and told me to...