Search Results

  1. hypatia

    Advice On Dealing With Vet And What To Expect On Regular Check Ups

    I live in a small city in southern India and the veterinary care here, mainly for cats, is mostly sub par. I've tried different vets in my city and it's usually the same and I don't have much hope on finding a good vet. The one we currently consult seems like the best option and he does house...
  2. hypatia

    Cat Suddenly Stopped Eating; Urgent Help Needed, Since I'm At My Wit's End

    Really long post, but please read through. I need help very badly. Timeline: On Dec 11th night my cat stopped eating all of a sudden. She gets dry food twice a day at 5:15am and 11:30pm, and wet food at 11:30am and 5:30pm. So when I gave her night portion of dry food, she turned her nose up at...
  3. hypatia

    Cat Getting Herself Dirty On Walks By Rolling On The Ground

    I've started talking my cat on regular walks for 30 mins a day. We live in an apartment (1st floor) and there's a cellar (I believe is the right term?). It's open on all sides and used for vehicle parking. Surrounding that cellar is a concrete walkway with plants on trees on two sides. This is...
  4. hypatia

    Introducing Second Litter Box?

    Every since we've had our cat she only had the one litter box I bought before bringing her home. For the most part she uses the box well and there aren't any real litter box issues. But I know it's a good idea for there to be 2 litter boxes, even if it's just one cat, so I got a new one. It's...
  5. hypatia

    Made A Mistake With Changing Cat Food. Advice Needed.

    I fed my cat Orijen Cat and Kitten dry food until about 3 months ago. Then I ran into a problem with it's availability, so I gave her Farmina grain-free food until Orijen came back in stock. First I gave her Farmina Lamb and Blueberry, then switched to Chicken and Pomegranate. Now Orijen is back...
  6. hypatia

    Cat Has A Licking Problem?

    So my cat has a problem. I think. When we first got her home almost an year ago she used to sort of pull clumps of fur, mostly from her tummy. We don't know what the cause was - could have been the fleas we found later, the belly worms, the bad diet she had at the shelter, or just the stress of...
  7. hypatia

    Cat Has Difficulty Urinating; And Advice On Wet Food And Clumping Litter?

    (Bolded for quick reading). Long post. Please read the whole thing and give me any insights (or reassurances, 'cause I'm scared). The questions about wet food and clumping litter are at the bottom. Some info about my situation: My adopted cat is male, neutered, and of unknown age. He's been...
  8. hypatia

    How to feed a feral cat?

    So there's this cat in my neighborhood that I recently noticed. I've only seen it from afar, obviously, but it looks pretty thin to me - it might even be a kitten or an adolescent. I don't know if it's because I've recently adopted my first cat and that has made me more sympathetic or what, but...
  9. hypatia

    Cat vomiting. Should I be concerned?

    So I've had my cat for about 4 months now. In these four months he's vomited about 4 times (maybe 5?). The first time was pretty soon after I got him. He just put his head to the floor, neck extended, strained a few seconds and vomited. In the start he used to 'choke' a bit while eating...
  10. hypatia

    Vaccinations questions and Cat sneezing. Adopted adult cat.

    In December I adopted an adult cat from a local shelter. They said that the cats should be given boosters every year and that he was due for his in April. Now I don't know what shots they gave him and what they didn't, because they just said vaccinations on April 1st and that's it. They are...
  11. hypatia

    How to change litter box location?

    When I adopted my cat the only room I could put him in for the initial adjustment period, for him to feel safe and have everything accessible to him, the only option I had was my bedroom. So now I feed my cat in my bedroom and the litter box is also in here. I don't mind feeding him in my...
  12. hypatia

    Tips on grooming my human - new cat in the house

    I recently moved in with a human and her parents. I never thought I was a human-cat, you know. All the other cats at my old home used to be so excited to see the humans that brought us food everyday. Not me. Humans were never my thing. I am more of a dog-cat, I guess. But even then the dog needs...
  13. hypatia

    Do I need a second cat?

    This is my second thread of the day but I just wanted to get the questions out. So about 3 months ago I adopted an adult cat of unknown age. He is a great fellow and I think he is pretty happy here. But sometimes I wonder if he misses all the other cats from the shelter. The shelter I adopted...
  14. hypatia

    Is it NECESSARY to trim a cat's claws?

    About 3 months ago I adopted an adult cat of unknown age. I am new cat mommy and still learning the ins and outs of cat care. So I was wondering if it was necessary to trim a cat's claws? I've heard that some cats' claws grow into their pads and hurt them. Does that happen with every cat who...
  15. hypatia

    What's your cat's daily routine like?

    I recently adopted an adult cat from a shelter and I'm still figuring out the right schedule for him. Everyone says that cats love routine so I feed and play with him at fixed times. Our schedule goes something like this: I leave a bowl of food in the floor at nights so at about 5 in the morning...
  16. hypatia

    Couple of questions: cat breathing a little hard, or so it seems to me & back rippling

    A little background. I am a first time cat mom so I don't know what I'm doing and every little thing that my baby, named Hypy, does raises concerns in me. I'm worried if he meows, I'm worried if he doesn't. I'm worried if he sleeps, I'm worried if he doesn't. You get the point. My father has a...
  17. hypatia

    What breed is my adopted cat, or what breed does he resemble?

    So about a couple of months ago I adopted a cat from a local shelter and he is an absolute sweetheart. I know I'll love him no matter what breed he is, but I thought it'd be fun to figure out what genes he's got. I thought he was a DLH but then I had my doubts because of his size. He's a pretty...