Search Results

  1. curacaocatlady

    6 day old kitten won't drink well but seems to want to?

    Thanks for the support everybody! Yes he eliminates regularly and well, urine looks good and poop too. I like the idea with the sponge, that sounds like something that might work easier than a syringe. Because he likes to chew on the nipple and I'm afraid that a syringe will make it rather...
  2. curacaocatlady

    6 day old kitten won't drink well but seems to want to?

    Thanks! It's just because his siblings have died and he is so small that you know his chances are slim. So if anything doesn't go as it's supposed to I get nervous…. ;-)  The shitty thing is that the longer you nurse them, the worse it gets if they eventually die…even though there is not a...
  3. curacaocatlady

    6 day old kitten won't drink well but seems to want to?

    Yes I have a heating pad, the kitten is kept warm 24hrs a day. He has a teddybear he cuddles up to and the choice to move away from the heating pad if he desires. I feed him KMR prepared as stated on the jar, with a little extra water added so his intestines can get used to it. Whenever i pick...
  4. curacaocatlady

    6 day old kitten won't drink well but seems to want to?

    Hi Everybody, I live on a small caribbean island calles Curacao and regularly foster kittens. But now I have a problem with one of them and I don't really know how to proceed. He is part of a litter of 3. They were found on the street without a mommy. They were very very tiny, the smallest one...