Search Results

  1. tiamia-atl

    No more Fresh Results litter!

    I haven't tried the World's Best Litter in the lavender scent. I have been using SwheatScoop since Fresh Results was discontinued and have been very pleased. It scoops well, clumps better than Fresh Results and the litter box stays clean. It is great at controlling odor and I flush the clumps...
  2. tiamia-atl

    No more Fresh Results litter!

    Thanks Ginny, but I can't use clay as too much dust.  It's also very heavy and I am on a 4th floor with no elevator.  The Blue walnut litter also produced too much dust, was sharp underfoot (like stepping on broken glass!) and that brown walnut dust went everywhere, really made a mess.  It also...
  3. tiamia-atl

    No more Fresh Results litter!

    Thanks, Ginny.  That's good to know as I have asthma and so does Chloe.  She takes 5 mg. prednisone every other day.  I will have to bite the bullet and pay $18-19/bag for Nature's Miracle as I understand that is the same litter as Fresh Results.
  4. tiamia-atl

    No more Fresh Results litter!

    Thank you for such an excellent analysis!  ;-)  As mentioned, my local Walmart has stopped carrying Fresh Results and this was confirmed by 2 of their managers.  The Littermaid product is not nearly as good at controlling odor as Fresh Results and I can't flush the clumps down the toilet without...
  5. tiamia-atl

    No more Fresh Results litter!

    Thanks for your reply, Pisces 7386.  I'm a Pisces as well - this "ole cat lady" turns 66 on Monday  Me-ouch!  ;-)  I just now "gave my 2 cents" on Walmart's website.  When scooping the cat's litter box this morning, I could see that the LitterMaid product is a poor substitute for  Fresh Results...
  6. tiamia-atl

    No more Fresh Results litter!

    I used the Blue walnut litter for 3 years for my 2 cats, Tia and Chloe, but switched to Fresh Results because the walnut litter coated everything with a fine brown dust, which made a MESS of my white baseboards and stuck to the walls - everything - in the "cats" bathroom.  It also was in the air...
  7. tiamia-atl

    No more Fresh Results litter!

    I made the same disappointing discovery at my local Walmart the past couple of days and just got off the phone with one of their managers who confirmed it!  I absolutely LOVE Fresh Results and, like you say, that Littermaid litter is NOT the same, not light and fluffy like Fresh Results and it...