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  1. R

    Itching..... hope this helps every one . there is tons of information on here ,even if you don't prefer a hollistic approach. I still use my vet with out question. They still know best, to diagnos a problem or illness. But once I know I will try...
  2. R


    Negs, my Cleo had horrible skin problems. Keep up the olive oil flax seed oil ect..That will help. Also after doing a bunch of research and looking for more natural solutions (how I found out about the flax seed and fatty acids ect..) one site I was on which was excellent ..sorry I thought I had...
  3. R

    hit butt is bleeding

    he could get a parasite from fleas. Most likely if he has had or has fleas he has some sort of parasite. Ringworm, whip worm, hook worm. Could be anything. Meds from your vet will take care of any of that. But get your baby to the vet asap.
  4. R

    Hey guys, long time, no post...question about kleptomaniac kitties.

    Ahhhh yes , theivery.. In my other house I had a storage room that the back wall was not finished and you could see into the basement behind the water heater and the furnace. In this storage room I had a partial roll of carpet tubing standing up leaning against the wall. I thought I was loosing...
  5. R

    When do they grow out of this phase?

    My first cat used to do that. It drove me absolutely batty. Finnally I had to lock her out of the room. Then in the morning as soon as the alarm went off, you would hear what sounded like a stampede of elephants running thru the house, then a body slam at the door, and the 2 paws sticking...
  6. R

    Kitten bullies our Dog

    I have a 155lb Newfoundland. She is terrified of Ripley. Bt, since she came to live with us, Ripley has done nothing but torment and tease Molly (newf) and I do mean TEASE . (actually quite funny) I won't get into the things that Rip does to my dog, let me just say that it amazes me everyday the...
  7. R

    I am very concerned..

    Bless your heart...sounds like your a wonderful mommy. I know that IF and when the decision come to take her to the vet it will be the right one .
  8. R

    So itchy

    uUUGGGHHH!!! The ongoing flea night mare. The Frontline should be working, are you using the one that kills the eggs too? Do they go outside? I know some of you are going to wig about this BUT when it comes to fleas...First if they go outside, get some insect killer for your lawn that will take...
  9. R

    Are cats allowed outside?

    Ihave 2 indoor cats and one outdoor. One of my indoor cats at one point was extremely interested in getting outside. Sooo I let her out. SUpervised by me of course. She was a total jerk, ran under the porch, and wouldn't come out. Never again. If she wants to roam around nicely and listen fine...
  10. R

    Diaries of a Cat and a Dog

    I thought so too. Makes you wonder what they are really thinking!!
  11. R

    hello from newbie Frisky's broken-hearted mom

    Sounds to me like an anal gland is leaking. Is he leaving brown stains on things? That smell ungodly? You can actually express the anal glands yourself. Just wear some rubber gloves and perhaps a HAZMAT suit..just kidding of course about the suit. Just put your fingers at 10:00 and 2:00 right...
  12. R

    Stumped..yet, another peeing question

    I was just reading the "sticky" post on inaapropriate peeing. And one of the posts stated something about not using a floor mat with a rubber backing. Something about the scent in the rubber that triggers them to pee. I thought that was interesting, I am going to try a little experiment and just...
  13. R

    Liking my eyelid --- OUCH!

    When Ripley thinks I have been sleeping far longer then she feels is necessary (translation.. Uh.I am Hungry) She will Climb up the bed start sniffing, she will then lick my eyelid, if that doesn't work she will sick her tongue in MY NOSTRIL...eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww. That usually leaps me right up...
  14. R

    Bio Spot One-Step for Cats

    OMG!! Those are a couple of awful stories. I hope neither of you are blaming yourselves for this. You were only doing what all of us do, protecting your babies from dangerous diseases that can be transmitted from flea and tick bites, to both our pets and us. I cannot believe That this product is...
  15. R

    Buzz escaped again but this time....

    Oh soooo glad they're back, safe and sound. It is so nerve wracking. Last month I had my family over and we were all outside and my 4 year old nephew said to me " where does the black cat like to go when she is outside" I said " Oh sweetie she doesn't go outside." He said.. 'Yes she does , she...
  16. R

    Stumped..yet, another peeing question

    Nope they never peed anywhere else. that was my thought too. After the incident the other day I did a thourough (sp) search of my house. Nothing. I took the bath mat away and they are perfectly content with using the ltter box. I have no Idea, what the deal is. Actually, now that I think about...
  17. R

    Ow! my poor little kitty...

    You did the right thing..mine are all fixed and they never go outside. if your not a breeder , there is no reason to not have them fixed. Don't worry she just feels all oogy. If she still seems like she hurts tomorrow call your vet for some pain med.
  18. R

    Licking: Blinds, Leather, Duffel Bags, etc.

    MY Ripley likes to lick zippers, on purses on clothes whatever. Makes my teeth itch thinking about it.
  19. R

    Stumped..yet, another peeing question

    I have had Ripley and Cleo for about 6 years now. Both are indoor cats and both have NEVER had issues with the litter box. Showed both of them once and that was it. Never a miss, never hmm this laundry pile looks much nicer to pee in. We have been in this house for around 6 months, and one of...
  20. R

    what are you cats afraid of?

    Yep, the vacuum. The minute they see it come out, poof they disappear. Cleo is what I like to say afraid of herself. Sometime's she will startle herself (how I have no clue) and twirl around like someone is after her. Rip, really isn't afraid of too much. Neither is Baldar. The only thing I have...