Search Results

  1. pawsnclaws

    Jealousy, obsessive, or possessive of owner?

    Yes, all are vetted before introduction and through the year. Problem still exists. So I am seeking any further advice outside the Feliway, Spirit Essences, separation, cage time, water bottles...anything that will help before I am forced to consider a rehome, which I have never had to do in my...
  2. pawsnclaws

    Jealousy, obsessive, or possessive of owner?

    By the way, I am thinking this is all a jealousy thing or Talyn is being protective of me, however, he goes after Ghost in other parts of the house. I don't want a very kind, tame and quiet cat (Ghost) getting hurt or a complex or being forced to turn aggressive. any help would be greatly...
  3. pawsnclaws

    Jealousy, obsessive, or possessive of owner?

    I recently came upon this thread, hoping it may be my issue, but it's different ( I have searched the internet until I am wore out, and finding no answers, found your site and signed up for help. We are a...