Search Results

  1. the21stpilot

    Sorrel might have just eaten a small piece of raw onion.

    I had a Greek pasta salad for dinner and had finished most of it off, set it aside and Sorrel jumped onto the table to lick the bottom of the bowl. She wasn't chewing anything (as far as I could tell), and I only noticed her licking the bowl when I heard the scraping of the bowl against the...
  2. the21stpilot

    Mucus plugs in otherwise normal stools?

    My apologies in advance for a rather detailed description of my cat's poo. When I went to scoop the litterbox just now, I noticed Stewie had left a fairly recent stool. It was mostly normal in size and consistency, except for a small quarter inch gel/mucus-like cap on one end of it. It looked...
  3. the21stpilot

    What symptoms are typical of megacolon? Also, would you recommend fortiflora for regulating ocassion

    Hello, all! As to be expected with a multi-cat household, the ocassional poop crisis is to be expected. Luckily, we're not experiencing anything major at the moment, although Sorrel has had a few half-formed stools lately (solid, well-formed pieces followed by a cow patty). Ocassionally, she...
  4. the21stpilot

    Sorrel has (possibly) a hair in her eye this evening.

    I was playing with her earlier and happened to notice something weird in her eye when the light hit a certain way. On closer inspection it looks like a really fine hair (like the squiggly kinds you get on clothing). I don't think it's a scratch since her pupils are the same size and she's not...
  5. the21stpilot

    A question regarding stool sizes

    Hello, all! I am a long-time lurker, but a new member of this site. And my first question is about cat poop (and what a "normal" stool should look like). My long-haired boy just recently came off a bout of loose stools that began after I gave him a hairball remedy (of a different brand than...