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  1. P

    Cat vomiting a lot..

    I did. They told me they were on vacation. They told me to give her electrolyte solution and some over the counter anti vomiting liquid solution. I also just noticed she’d grind her teeth or make a crunching sound with her teeth before vomiting. I wonder what’s wrong with her? I’m freaking out...
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    Cat vomiting a lot..

    Hey, my cat is 5 years old (persian) weighs about 8 pounds. She was healthy as recently as she threw up in the morning and keeps throwing up every hour or so. Sometimes it’s yellow liquid but it’s mostly white foam like stuff. She was very dehydrated so I tried giving her...
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    Wound In Kitty's Head?

    And of course I will take her to a vet. I was just wondering how to make her feel better. The wound must be itchy..
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    Wound In Kitty's Head?

    Yes she's an indoor cat. The wound wasn't there a couple days ago. I don't know how she got this. And if it was bleeding before I would have noticed it.
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    Wound In Kitty's Head?

    Edit: is it an infection of some kind? It bled just now btw I cleaned it up with a cotton ball and put some neoscorin on it
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    Wound In Kitty's Head?

    I thought I attached a picture but apparently it didn't upload properly. Anyways I've attached a picture of the "wound"
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    Wound In Kitty's Head?

    Hello. I don't know what this is..I'm using Neosporin on it but it won't go away. I thought it was a wound but now I'm not sure. What does it look like?
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    Cat Sometimes Breathing Rapidly, Noisy And Mouth Agape

    Hello, my 2 and a half years old kitty suddenly started breathing weird since this morning. It's really hot out here so I thought she had heat stroke but she wouldn't stay in the fan/ac, instead she'd hide inside drawers and closet. At first she was meowing (she's usually really quiet) it's a...
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    Ants On Cats Urine

    I was hoping it wouldn't be too serious, but I guess diabetes is serious enough. I will get her checked asap. Thank you.
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    Ants On Cats Urine

    My older (about 2y old) cat urinated in my room at night (?) I woke up at like 4 in the morning to see these black ants everywhere. Usually she urinates in sand at my backyard so I don't pay much attention. She's a little overweight and has a big appetite. Also, she drinks more than usual I...
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    Cat Scratch

    Hey, a stray cat scratched me on my feet. It bled a little so I washed it with water and soap and put some Neosporin on it. It stopped bleeding eventually. It doesn't hurt or anything but I'm kinda worried that I might catch some nasty viruses. The thing I'm most worried about is rabies. I know...
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    White Bump?

    She just ate. I've noticed a slight decrease in her appetite over the last 4-5 days, but she didn't have that bump before. I can Google about all that, but it's better if I don't look too much into it. I mean, it could just be a bug bite
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    White Bump?

    There's a white bump in her gum. It wasn't there yesterday. Now, I'm not sure what it is. She doesn't go out often so it's highly unlikely she ate something off. She isn't eating much btw. I don't wanna go to a vet unless I absolutely have to, as I'm busy with college. How bad does it look...
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    Bump In The Gum

    There's a white-ish bump in her gum. It isn't big but noticeable in bright lights. It wasn't there a couple days ago. She's acting fine, but not eating much. Is it a bug bite? Or some sorta bacterial infection?
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    Kitty In Heat!

    Ohh that makes sense. Is there any post blood discharge after that? If it's possible and won't hurt her, I want to do it ASAP cause' she's going mad with her constant screaming and crying to go out. Letting her be like this for a week or two..idk
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    Kitty In Heat!

    In Aw I'd want a few furrballs but unfortunately I can't afford them. The vet bills would make my students loan look pale in comparison
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    Kitty In Heat!

    Thanks y'all for the replies! I'll schedule an appointment in 7-10 days. It'll be a hellish week! She started calling a day ago btw she wasn't that vocal, till 4:00 in the morning today. At first I thought she was in pain :/ anyways, she doesn't have much of an appetite. She'd meow and rub her...
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    Kitty In Heat!

    Hey, my 11 months old Kitty is in heat, I think. She's been super vocal, like yowling and constantly meowing. She'd wake up at night and start making these weird noises. I know it's my fault that I hadn't gotten her fixed before..I was running short on money, but yeah anyways. I was thinking...
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    Kitty Has Runny Nose

    Hello, my 6 months old kitty "Snow" has a runny nose and sometimes she sneezes. Generally her nose is fine.. a little moist. But when she wakes up after a nap she gets watery nose. Then she'd rub her nose on my face, purring and meowing. Is it cold or some nasal infection? Should I take her to...