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  1. marlenejojo1

    Cat Acting Feral And Viscious After Being Spayed, Help!

    I never got notified you messaged, so I am oh what a year late lol sorry. Ultimately I think my cat suffered some form of ptsd from the loud noises at the vet overnight. She still has this problem, but it has gone down quite a lot....but If there is any loud noise, for example if I drop...
  2. marlenejojo1

    Cat Acting Feral And Viscious After Being Spayed, Help!

    Thank you, me too! It's enough to drive anyone crazy I think lol
  3. marlenejojo1

    Cat Acting Feral And Viscious After Being Spayed, Help!

    No our vet didn't say what caused the vomiting and diarrhea outside of just saying she might have an infection. The antibiotics seemed to solve it, she eats fine now and poop looks normal. Its a little smaller than before but its solid. That is a lot of great suggestions, I will look into some...
  4. marlenejojo1

    Cat Acting Feral And Viscious After Being Spayed, Help!

    I forgot to mention she does feel a bit hot at times, but the vet could not find a medical cause for that. This was detected before her surgery and before she took the antibiotics, her temperature was 103.5, but I notice sometimes she still feels a bit warm to me. The vet thought the temperature...
  5. marlenejojo1

    Cat Acting Feral And Viscious After Being Spayed, Help!

    Yes she has been back to the vet to get the vomiting and diarrhea treated. The vet said her wound was healing perfectly and did a thorough exam. She could not find anything wrong with her except for a swollen anal gland which she expressed. She is eating drinking and going to the bathroom just...
  6. marlenejojo1

    Cat Acting Feral And Viscious After Being Spayed, Help!

    Hey guys, so I have a weird issue. My cat whom I have had for 4 years now, just got spayed a little over a month ago. Prior to being spayed she was very sweet and domesticated. She did once every other month or so lash out at my dog who is 5 times her weight but it was manageable aggression...
  7. marlenejojo1

    Recliner Chairs - Dangers?

    It is not just the foot rest that is dangerous. Just having a reclining chair period is a real and serious danger to pets. For those who are sensitive to sad pet stories don't read the rest of this post. When I was a teenager we had a cat named Misty. She was one of those reclusive type cats...
  8. marlenejojo1

    Recliner Chairs - Dangers?

    It is not just the foot rest that is dangerous. Just having a reclining chair period is a real and serious danger to pets. For those who are sensitive to sad pet stories don't read the rest of this post. When I was a teenager we had a cat named Misty. She was one of those reclusive type...