Search Results

  1. sattycat

    Vocalizing cat

    Hi everyone, My cat has always been vocal.  Most of the time the same vocal voice for everything. Its so whiny sounding. i get upset because  he crys. Because he will whine but then 2 secs later hes in his litter box vocalizing the same sound and i go to schold him and feel bad he was in his...
  2. sattycat


    i couldn't find anything on here about Euthanasia.  So , here it goes. I just put one of my babies down today. i always hear how easy it is. My cat as sweet and purry as she is. Has anxiety.  The Doctor asked me if she has any anxiety.  I said yes.  so they suggested a muscle relaxant or...
  3. sattycat

    Cat dying and her budding is acting odd

    I have one male cat who is 13  . One leg, Great health named George.  His life long buddy is dying.  Her name is JIllian and she is 11yrs old .  It seems recently he has been acting up. When they both get their soft food as a treat, George no longer eats..He cries  like crazy for it. But , when...