Search Results

  1. M

    Made A Tough Decision

    Hello all... It's been awhile since I last posted but I just wanted to come on and let you know that, after a lot of thought, we've made a decision about Angel, the cat we adopted about a month ago. We're going to have to give her back. We had three adopted cats that we brought into our home...
  2. M

    New in Missouri

    Hi folks! My name is Todd and for the first 36 years of my life I never had a pet. My wife took in her office manager's cat temporarily while she took a last trip (she had cancer). "Miss Kitty" knew she had to win me over, which she did the first night, so when Debbie's office manager came...
  3. M

    Changing Personalities

    Last year we adopted three wonderful cats...a mom and two of her kittens. About a month ago, we brought our fourth adoptee into the house. All four are female. The original three had great personalities. They were fairly wild when we got them, but they had settled in and were turning into...