Search Results

  1. S

    Extremely Talkative Cat....

    Hello, we had the same problem with our cat, the vet checked him out and got the all clear, so we tried numerous behavioural interventions, extra play time, ignoring the meowing, feeding him later in the evening to get him to sleep, isolating to another room (which made him go absolutely mad)...
  2. S

    Hello, What a wonderful site!

    Hi everyone thankyou for your warm welcome, Hutch has yellow/green eyes I am not sure if he lost his hearing or he was always deaf - he is currently curled up in his basket with his hot pack (its winter here in the land of oz) watching the simpsons with my hubby - they are a happy pair ! cheers
  3. S

    Hello, What a wonderful site!

    Hi Everyone, Googled "meowing cat" and look what I found! We recently bought our first cat from a shelter and we love him to bits but discovered he has a few behavioural issues (namely meowing A LOT!) due to his age (he's 7) and his other life challenges (he's deaf) he was the oldest...