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  1. S

    Friendly kitty problems

    i thought about getting a second cat or investing in more vertical space but those things are super expensive! ill have to think more about it... :). the last thing i would want are two bored kitties waking me up at night because they get bored of their space!! i wonder if that would happen
  2. S

    Friendly kitty problems

    i dont live in a dorm... i actually live in detroit in an apartment haha.. buttt i might be able to see if maybe a friend will come play with her during the day? i have thought about it and i think maybe she is acting out because of my new routine... i wake up with her and pet her and talk to...
  3. S

    Cat outside my house

    ive never been in that situation but it sounds tough! id be afraid of them fighting or afraid the cat would get mine sick.... but maybe the cat is locked out of his house? or is hungry? or wants to meet your cat? my cat likes meeting my neighbor cats but we live in an apartment building. is...
  4. S

    HELP! my girl keeps me awake. is she okay?

    hello everyone! HELP!! I need sleep and im so exhausted its actyally making me sick.... ive had my baby for 1 year. she is 14 months old and i adopted her from a shelter in detroit. ever since i went back to school she is driving me crazy at night. she will chew on objects near my face (wires...
  5. S

    Opinions & advice: can pet souls be 'lost'?

    im not saying this is true but... i heard that for a while souls of the dead can linger before passing on. and that animals will join as part of a larger consciousness for that animal. its hard to let him go but im sure he knows you love him. the euthanasia was just a small tiny blip of his...
  6. Friendly kitty problems

    Friendly kitty problems

  7. S

    Friendly kitty problems

    here she is resting
  8. 20160927_115217.jpg


  9. S

    Friendly kitty problems

    hello everyone! i joined this forum for some moral support in dealing with my kitty! HELP! I HAVEN'T SLEPT WELL IN A MONTH!! she is a very friendly 14 month old mixed shelter cat. Ive had her one year. she loves everyone.. here is the problem: ever since i went back to school she has been...