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  1. gwenandpaco

    Help with Coon kitten

    I just put a video of her on YouTube. Here's the link! 128514128514128514
  2. gwenandpaco

    Help with Coon kitten

    Yay!!!! She did a big poop and feels so much better!! And so do I. Oh man, what a relief! I felt so bad for her. She is playing and eating like her usual self. How do u put a video on? I have a cute one of her playing 128513
  3. gwenandpaco

    Help with Coon kitten

    @sarthur2 @Anne Thank you so much for the advice! I will try that the baby glycerin! Also I just got off the phone with the vet and he said the same thing. He told me I could try and pull it out gently and I could use a q-tip with Vaseline too to try and just break pieces off as they come out...
  4. gwenandpaco

    Help with Coon kitten

    I will call the vet -I just remembered I think they are open a half day on Saturdays... I'll let you know what they say.
  5. gwenandpaco

    Help with Coon kitten

    Thank you both for the advice! I will check with the vet. So I did put a couple drops of olive oil in her food and she finally ate a little. I don't think she feels much like eating right now. Then I noticed when she tried to go this last time there is like a centimeter of a large stool that is...
  6. Help with Coon kitten

    Help with Coon kitten

  7. gwenandpaco

    Help with Coon kitten

    Hi everyone, I'm new on here, first post 128522 I need help with my new kitten. I got a Maine coon kitten last Friday (1 week ago). She is the cutest, sweetest little girl! However we had some big problems right out of the gate... Friday when I picked her up everything was great. She didn't...
  8. image.jpeg

