Search Results

  1. S

    skin 'condition'....mites/fleas??

    Hi everyone - Hoping someone out there can help. One of my two cats has had black 'flecks' on her tail bone area...noticeable when you pet her and brush or scratch her fur downward in the area. I've noticed this for quite some time now...excusing it away as possibly dirt... She's an all-white...
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    Bosco puked

    Hi all, I still consider myself somewhat of a novice (first-time mother to kitties for little over 2yrs now)...and my cats mean the *world* to me, so I'm very much a worrier when it comes to their health. I have 2 cats, Bosco & Zoe. Bosco is just over 2 years old, and Zoe is about a year and...
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    Indoor cats and worms

    Hi everyone, I'm writing in for a bit of advice. Pardon my ignorance...I'm not a completely 'experienced' cat person, but I've been a cat lover all my life, and now have 2 cat babies of my own. We got Bosco last year, and he's going on a year of age this month. Zoe was born in September...
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    Getting Bosco to love me again?

    Hi everyone! Long time no post, I's gotten in the way. I do watch the site though, still. Well, since my last post, we've added to the family! Bosco has a new little sister, Zoe: Since my boyfriend and I both work full-time...
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    Bosoc's Neutered!

    Hi all, Long time no post. Summer brings that, I guess. My baby boy has grown SO much since I started posting! I will have to post a picture! I'm green at this, so here's a link to one of my newer faves...still he's grown since then!
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    Bosco's injured!

    I was out with some girls from work and when I got home I found poor little Bosco with an injury...well, what we think is an injury... My b/f had a few friends over and our entertainment stand had an open door and he was running around and nailed his little head on the corner.... He's got a cut...
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    A Noob's Q's on Health & Nutrition

    Hi there, I'm sure the answers to my questions are all here amongst these threads, but I've spent SO much time on this site I can't get anything done around the house so I thought I would start a new thread and hope you all don't mind answering them again. I'm new here..and a new Mommy to a...
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    Hi Everyone! Newbie here!!

    Hi there! I've discovered this site via a blog I commonly visit and I'm totally addicted! I've read lots before registering myself, and I was totally blown away by Hissy's story about the kitties she rescued after their mother died (poisoned). She's a complete angel.....and all I can say is...