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  5. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    I'm not in the least subjecting her, i take my kitten with me to work lol (nanny). She rides in the passenger seat chill, everyone talks about the nature of a cat the nature of a cat is to climb trees and Chase Critters but everybody is so scared to let the cat out of the house I don't...
  6. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    There's no issues with my 14wk old and 2yo they're fine. The story on FeFe is I was out of town for my birthday visiting family and friends and she was a stray Woods cat that had been at this place for 2 weeks (they were going to have county trap her) and we were all having a party all weekend...
  7. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    Personally an indoor only cat would be like living in Wal-Mart forever. If I lived in a city I would understand the dangers but it's really rural out here and cats instincts are to chase, hunt, climb etc which I have plenty of land for. Again I prefer the baby to always be in but my other cat I...
  8. Screenshot_2016-08-29-14-46-51.png


  9. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    I can't really prevent it, I have a cat door from my a hole cat that passed 3 years ago. The first cat, Felicia I rescued 11 months ago from the woods she's intolerable if she's stuck inside for any period of time (right now Florida rainy season) she intentionally knocks things off everything...
  10. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    I see lots of posts about separate items, i have a cat food dispenser 1lb? Maybe for both and a 3 gallon water dispenser that my cats share with my dog, i also only have one litter box but the older cat goes outside, she was a stray and prefers outdoors but likes regular meals, baby finishes her...
  11. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    Huh, I didn't know that lol, I'm definitely not, or wasn't, a cat person but these little monsters converted me. I've always been a dog person until I unintentionally acquired these two death bed kitties, and with teaching my kitten it's not okay to get on counter tops via water sprayer I've...
  12. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    I try not to laugh but it's hysterical, last night the kitten was trying to bury treats while my other cat was watching and she'd wait till the kitten thought one was successfully buried and moved on to bury another and then she'd go eat it, worst part is I'm pretty sure the kitten actually...
  13. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    Ohhhh Has anyone had a kitten that tried to bury/ cover up food, treats etc? I have tile floor and my kitten tries to bury extra treats and her food bowl. She was dumped on me at like 5wks old with a few medical issues and I figured she did it because she was hungry prior but after 8wks in my...
  14. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    My Siamese are indoor outdoor, the kitten can't reach the cat door quite yet thankfully so my 18mo old, Felicia, has an escape when Felicity gets on her nerves. I honestly for a while thought Felicia wasn't too fond of the kitten but I've noticed her agging on the kitten just as much and I've...
  15. K

    Second kitten (success stories you can share?)

    I have an 18mo old and was given a tiny kitten 6 weeks ago,I honestly never separated them or did the scent thing, partially because I had no clue partially because that's a lot of stress in a one bedroom house. It took about 2 weeks for my older cat to get use to the kitten being here (in the...
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