Search Results

  1. C

    Pregnant feral. What would you do?

    Thank you Kommunity Kats- I'm not sure we have anything or anyone like that here in our town, but I'll ask around.  I will for sure try to make sure whoever takes them has the kitty's best interest in mind, and aren't getting them for other reasons. i.e.)hoarding, or using them for bait etc.  ...
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    Pregnant feral. What would you do?

    For those of you who didn't see the issues in my other post, here is a quick summary.  We adopted Izzy a feral spayed female, eventually purchased Sammy- a neutered male stray-(or so we thought as no one came forward till months later after we had cared for, vetted, and fell in love with him).  ...
  3. C

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten  This one is bigger and is 24.99...
  4. C

    Help, Abandoned kitten.

    ​Wow, those are some awesome kiddos for sure.  Yes, I'd say they, as well as you, are heroes.
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    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    I had a similar issue getting my 2 to get along, my resident cat was Feral and the one I brought in was not.  I ended up putting them both in cages during the night, and a few times during the day.  All other times, I kept them separated, every day I'd move the cages a little closer, until they...
  6. C

    Help, Abandoned kitten.

    What a little cutie.  It sounds like you are on the right track, and he is starting to eat well for you.  If feeding him meat, just be sure the pieces are teeny tiny so he doesn't get choked on them.  Unless you are force feeding him, he won't get too much food, and he'll stop when he is full. ...
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    I'm Glad that I am one of the Crazy Cat People

    You both are very welcome.  I'm glad you liked it.  Also,  If one of the Moderators is able to Please correct the spelling of the word Crazy in my title.  Thank you. 
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    Hissing In The Circle Of Certain Death

    That's wonderful news Jane.  It sounds like progress is being made for sure.  Keep up the great work, and she'll get comfortable with you before you know it. 
  9. C

    Should I keep 3 kittens I love? Need advice badly.

    This is wonderful news, and about made me cry because I know what a difficult time you've had trying to get them fixed, etc.  I am so happy for you and your 3 precious kitties. Now you also know of a low price clinic you can take them to for their boosters also.  All this falling into place...
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    I'm Glad that I am one of the Crazy Cat People I saw this article today and it spoke volumes about most of us do here every single day, so I thought I'd share it with you all.  Sorry about the misspelling in the title of the word Crazy, but lol I couldn't figure out...
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    How to get a feral cat to warm up to a new cat?

    We had a pretty odd, yet significant episode occur the other night.  It was one of the craziest things I've experienced with Izzy so far.  Sammy and Izzy had been playing hide and seek, and chase all day long, for several hours, sometimes Izzy would chase Sammy, and then Sammy would chase Izzy...
  12. C

    Should I keep 3 kittens I love? Need advice badly.

    Themomcat I'm glad to hear that they are still with you, and hopefully you can find someone to help get them fixed, etc.. I'm so sorry that the SPCA was like that towards you, they should have been more helpful, and understanding that bad things happen to good people sometimes.  You are doing...
  13. C

    How to get a feral cat to warm up to a new cat?

    Thank you Molly.  Yes, that was a day we weren't sure would ever come, but I'm so thrilled that it finally did get here so quickly.  They will be much better off not having to be caged, and separated multiple times a day, plus it will make it sooooo much easier on me and the hubby.   I changed...
  14. C

    How to get a feral cat to warm up to a new cat? Just click on the arrows in Photobucket to go through the pics.  Which...
  15. C

    How to get a feral cat to warm up to a new cat?

    We let the kitties out together again yesterday afternoon, and they remained out the entire time with little to no episodes.  They did so well that we decide to not put them in their cages last night, and just let them stay out together.  They spent the entire night out together without our...
  16. C

    Hissing In The Circle Of Certain Death

    ​He is beautiful, and looks very comfy.  I forgot to mention another thing I did with mine was to use a backscratcher to rub her with, and that worked out well. This may be an option for you too so you can rub him some too.  LOL backscratchers don't have Veins. This may help you get more...
  17. C

    How to get a feral cat to warm up to a new cat?

    Things are continuing to go great.  Sammy and Izzy were out all morning long playing, and chasing each other, and having an absolutely purrrfect time together. After several hours out together, they were still at it, but it was apparent that they were both starting to get tired. They both are...
  18. C

    Hissing In The Circle Of Certain Death

    ​Our Feral does/did this too.  I think during the petting, especially with a feral, that are not use to a lot of human interaction, or any interaction at all.  So they tend to get Over Stimulated fairly quickly which often leads to a pretty hard bite, and sometimes a slap, as a warning that it's...
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    How to get a feral cat to warm up to a new cat?

    We had a pretty productive day today.  When we let Sammy out of the cage with Izzy within eye shot, my hubby petted Izzy the entire time, and no hissing or smacking on Sammy's way past her.  Then she was sitting in the dining room chair watching his every move.  He went to walk past her about 2...
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    How to get a feral cat to warm up to a new cat?

    Thank you Foxcat.   We put them side by side in cages during the night, so they have no choice but to be very close to one another.  I think if Sammy would not get so excited, and approach her more slowly, and in a more calm manner, she would respond to him much better, but lol he's like a bull...