Search Results

  1. amber varner

    I'M DESPERATE! Cat won't use litter box after getting spooked!

    It sounds like your more anxious cat could use some of those water drops for anxiety in his bowl. I don't know specific brands, but I've heard they can really take the edge off. I would search some threads here on how to sooth his anxiety, because it seems this is likely causing him to have...
  2. amber varner

    Fancy Feast?

    My cat loves the Fancy Feast Pates. I only feed her the chicken, turkey, and beef pates. My cat has issues with fish, and it's usually not recommended for cats to eat more than once a week anyways. She seems to like turkey best, but tires of repetition of flavors. It's a good cost effective...
  3. amber varner

    8 week old kitten always hungry but vomits with addition of dry food

    It's been pretty thoroughly covered here, but I wanted to add my 2 cents. I adopted my kitten in August and I was shocked at first at how much she seemed to want to eat! I thought she was gonna eat me out of house and home! Because of this, I adoringly call Ava my lil' fat fat. She was quite a...
  4. amber varner

    What do you think of Whiskas, 9Lives, MeowMix, Friskies wet cat food?

    I took Ava to the vet today. She's 5.2 lbs and a healthy weight according to the vet. The vet said just keep feeding her when she's hungry and she will likely grow to be a 10-11 lb cat by a year old. I also went to dollar store after the vet and picked up a few of each friskies pate flavor to...
  5. amber varner

    Switching between different types of canned food

    I would check more for the nutritional information, rather than just the "kitten" label on the wet food. If the protein, fat, etc is at the appropriate levels for kittens, I'd say it's ok to feed. I have a 5 month old kitten and I buy her kitten dry food, but she eats regular adult wet. I would...
  6. amber varner

    Whole Earth Farms expiration dates?

    I would like to add though, that my kitten doesn't like this food. I would definitely recommend trying it, but I wouldn't buy a gigantic bag in case it doesn't suit your cat's taste preferences. I will be looking for another brand of food for my cat.
  7. amber varner

    Whole Earth Farms expiration dates?

    I have a 5lb bag of their kitten formula. The expiration is printed clearly in black on the back top portion of the bag above the Whole Earth Farms logo. It's on the creme colored portion, not the colored portion of the bag.  My bag has an expiration date about one year from today. 
  8. amber varner

    Tasty, cheap grain free kitten dry food recommendations

    Thanks for the links and the very thorough response! I will be reading over these threads. :) It's not even so much walking on me though, as sitting on top of my chest and screeching (HA HA HA). She at least stopped waking me up by biting me or ripping my hair out. She is very good about...
  9. amber varner

    Roman needs to sleep where I sleep and I live in a one bedroom apt

    I have the same issue. I ended up getting a tiny, cheap litter box for my bedroom. I put it in the closet and I just leave the closet door open at night. My kitten is 14 weeks old, and most night she doesn't use it at all and waits to use her big litter box with the cover on it. She does use it...
  10. amber varner

    Please Give Me Some Cat Toy Suggestion

    My cat also loves feathers, and I understand the concern about string. How about a wire wand? My cat plays with hers without me and no worry about strangulation. This is the specific one she has:  or you can buy a whole pack of toys including the wand for a few dollars more: 
  11. amber varner

    Tasty, cheap grain free kitten dry food recommendations

    I know, I know, everyone here tends to hate dry food. I intend to feed primarily wet food or wet food altogether once she's older and eating a bit less. I feed my kitten a truckload of wet food, but she's always hungry. And I will not wake up every hour of the night to open a new can lol. She...
  12. amber varner

    My baby have ear mites

    My baby has ear mites right now too :( You're going to have to force her to let you clean her ears. She will feel better in the long run! But try to minimize stress of course! I would try the towel wrap technique with a buddy, or if that doesn't work maybe invest in a "cat grooming bag" from...
  13. amber varner

    Kitten wheezing? Sneezing? Worried!

    I adopted a kitten about three weeks ago named Ava. I am due to take her to her post adoption check up. I've been a bit concerned, because about three times now that I've caught she has paused, stopped, and made a horrid wheezing type behavior. Her whole abdomen goes in and out pretty rapidly...
  14. amber varner

    Litter Questions and General Cat Maintenence

    LITTER: I'm getting a new kitty in a week and I'm debating what kind of litter to switch her to. I want to use an all natural litter if at all possible. I have a one bedroom apartment and this cat will be indoor only, aside from walks on a leash if I am able to train her. PINE PELLET LITTER...
  15. amber varner

    Buying and Storing Food in Bulk (Single Cat Home)

    I've adopted a kitty and I have one week until I pick her up. I'm thinking of naming her Ava so far, and she is currently 12 weeks old. ***If you don't want to read the rest, I'm simply wondering how much food I can buy at once and store in a single cat home, without compromising the integrity...
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