Search Results

  1. Z

    Excel Dewormer

    This is my first time to de worm my kitten who is over 8 weeks old. I bought online the Excel roundworm Dewormer liquid. My question is will I need to purchase other dewormers for different worms? Is this Dewormer all I need?
  2. Z


    I have a 3 yr old female Siamese that enjoyed going outside. We live in a very rural area and she is fixed so an hour a day I didn't think would be bad. She went missing and was gone for 3 weeks! I searched everywhere and called to her and even asked near neighbors. I didn't find her and sadly...
  3. Z

    Mama cat hunts for kittens

    Ok, I have a mama cat and I feed her very well with extra food and water for her four kittens. She darts outside about once a day and somehow found a way back in my trailer where my garden tub is. Thats strange all in itself. It took me a long while to figure this out. I would find half of...
  4. Z

    What kind of kitten

    Ziggy Stardust Here are some pics. Help me figure out what kind of kitten I have.