Search Results

  1. L

    worm segments or mucus in poop? (pic is semi graphic)

    Hello all! So my cat was dewormed about a week ago. Ever since then he has low energy and is either staring out the window or sleeping. he's drinking water, but not eating much if at all, and his poop since the deworming has been very jelly / jello like. I'm trying to figure out if these are...
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    Fenbendazole dosage for 20 lb cat?

    Hello all Can someone tell me what the dosage of Fenbendazole would be for a 20 pound cat? It's liquid Fenbendazole, 10% suspension / 100 mg Thank you!
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    Rice like pieces in hairball vomit (worms?) but nothing in feces?

    Hi all So I have a 5 year old tabby Lately he has been vomiting hairballs / mini hair balls at least once a day and there's what looks like pieces of rice embedded within it. it took a little while to put 2 and 2 together as for a couple weeks we had been feeding him fancy feast medly portions...
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    7 month old adopted cat experieicng side effects from rabies shot / neutering?

     Hello all I just had a few questions about a 7-8 month old cat I adopted a few days ago. I'll be taking him to a local animal clinic later but they can't see him until 7PM EST, so figured posting here in the meantime could *possibly* put my mind at a bit of ease, as I'm a bit worried. Anyway...