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  1. N


    ye my sis just got scratched today and same thing happened so i think its the cat..... ^^
  2. N


    i read up on that ..... it takes up to weeks to get the bump.... i got it straight away and it doesnt hurt it just get a small bump and it a bit itchy edit--->>> did this when i was first bit by my bired as well... and then stopped after a while!!
  3. N


    ok thx i dont think i am alergic my eyes arent itchy i have been around cats and dogs quite alot and ive been fine so i dont think im alergic. like i was saying will that scratch mean that i will be immuned to this again. i read it up somehwere about antibodies or someat that will stop it from...
  4. N


    so im propably not alergic.... will it do this all the time? or only once?... will i then be immune to the dicease?
  5. N


    Ok im looking after my brothers kitten for 2 weeks and the cat scratched me... straight away a small bump formed around the cut.... whats wrong... am i allergic?