Search Results

  1. jannt86

    Cat just not socially aware

    I wondered if anybody could help with my 9month old kitten who just doesn't seem to get not picking fights with me or his sister. I have 2, a brother and a sister. The female, although much more of a natural born hunter, learned very quickly that I didn't appreciate her biting me. I trained her...
  2. jannt86

    Puking kitten. Help needed!

    So my 14 week old kitten keeps throwing up :-( I'm relatively confident it's nothing serious and due to overeating. He's been chucking up partially digested food not more than once a day for about the past week. I have noticed that he's recently developed a habit of really gobbling his food up...
  3. jannt86

    Worried about letting them outside

    Hi, I have 2 kittens who are 13 weeks old and I have a few questions about letting them outside. Eventually I will start letting them outside during the day. I was just wondering when people think is the best time to do this? I have had different advice from people; anything from any time after...
  4. jannt86

    Help with feeding some small kittens

    Hi, I'm new to the site and wanted to seek some advice. I recently bought 2 adorable 9 week old brother and sister kittens, the first cats I've owned. Both are fine examples of a healthy kitten; bright eyed, bushy tailed, absolutely full of it, play and torment each other all day long! The only...