Search Results

  1. K

    Fluid like lump

    Hi guys, I have a 13 week old kitteñ and I'm concerned about a lump I found on her yesterday. It feels like something we would get if we got hit on the head(like a goose egg). It's about the size of plum cut in half. It feels like fluid and when it's touched she cries and jump. If it's lightly...
  2. K

    My kitten after shots

    She got 4 in total. She's fine now tho so I'm assuming she was sore from the shots.
  3. K

    My kitten after shots

    I just took my kitten to get her first shots. She's 12 weeks old so she's late. Well, she is fineish. She's eating right, playing right, eliminating properly. It's the day after the shots so she isn't sleepy anymore. She was the first night. NOW every time we pick her up she screams like she's...