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  1. M

    Cat doesn't like me anymore

    @luluwahid I'm glad you are asking these questions! It's always good to learn more about how to take the best care of your animals! I whole-heartedly agree with the others in this thread, taking your cats to the vets and getting them neutered will help you tons! After the (simple) surgery, and...
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    Loud Crying...

    Is your cat neutered?
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    Help me pick the logo for my business card!

    I like number 1 as well!
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    Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

    Oh I would like to see pictures of the wedding cake as well! Even if I can't eat it, I'd still like to see it so I can pretend! haha.
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    Question of The Day. Saturday 9th of July.

    I'm a night owl for sure! Once the sun goes down, is when I'm the most awake.
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    baby cat

    No problem. Please keep feel free to post if you have more questions! We would love to help.    .... and we love pictures of the kitten too ;)   Keep us updated on how she does!
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    Pregnant cat.. So what now?

    Congrats! Like others have said, if you could help mom make a nest in that corner that would be great. She needs some towels or blankets to stay on, we need to make sure those kittens don't get a chill!
  8. M

    Due now...I think?!

    Yes, please try to keep a close eye on that kitten if you can. Like talkingpeanut said, you don't need to worry about helping, Im sure the mother appreciates it! But feel free to help any kittens that have trouble getting to the food, or wander off to far :)
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    baby cat

    Give her as much as she will eat/drink every time. Kittens need all the nourishment they can get! I'm sure it won't be very much each feeding tho, kittens, especially so young, have such tiny tummies. That is why you need to feed them every 2-4 hours-ish. If you are in school for 5, it should be...
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    Questions about My Pregnant Kitty

    Well congratulations on your new kittens then! Don't forget to post pics, we love those :D
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    baby cat

    Also, if you could get a small scale to weigh the kitten every day to make sure she is gaining enough weight from your feedings. She should be gaining at Least 6g-10g a day. And remember when you feed a kitten with the syringe or the bottle, the cats tummy faces down, head slightly up (like if...
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    Cat will not walk on bathroom rugs after she showers

    That is awesome! I've seen maybe only one or two videos of cats choosing to join in on the shower with their owners before, its such a unique rarity. She obviously likes water more then the average cat, but what about soap shampoo? Like, is she careful to not get soap dripped on from off your...
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    Question of the Day, Friday, July 8

    A glass of cold water... I know I'm weird. But really, I love drinking water. Otherwise for morning, I would say juice, but I don't regularly have it available in my fridge, so water generally wins out :)
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    aprox. 3 week old Vietnamese kitten --EMERGENCY__

    It just breaks my heart hearing what someone did to that little defenceless kitten. But its a relief knowing there are people like you out there to help him! Thank you so much for taking care of him. And for the updates! Wow, the before and after shots look like a whole new kitten! I wish you...
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    Little Boy's Diet Thread.

    Little Boy looks gorgeous! Did you end up getting a dog harness? Is he enjoying his little runs with you? How's the progress for the last week?  
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    Cost effective grain free wet food

    Jeez, I really wish there was a grain free wet option up here in Canada for such a huge can, so a large amount, for so cheap a price! Maybe I'm just way too used to Vancouver prices for everything.. :( Anyone know of a Canadian Version of this Tractor Supply store where there is such cheap...
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    Litter training kitten

    Thank you for taking in an orphaned kitten, oh my she's so so cute! A tiny little fluff ball. Just adorable.  The fact she was separated from her mother so young means she didn't have enough time (barely any! less then 3 weeks for sure, who knows when she was orphaned from mom) to be taught...
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    Grieving over my cat

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know how to help you unfortunately, I wish I had answers for you. But of course you are grieving for your baby Chockie, he was a part of the family, cats have a way to sneak into our hearts just like if they were our children. I can only say I am wishing you...
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    Help! Cat scratching door posts!

    Please don't ever declaw your cat! No matter what, it will CERTAINLY traumatize him to say the least! It's not a simple matter of removing the claw... its an amputation. If someone amputated each of your fingers and toes, I bet you would be traumatized as well! Please read this for more info...
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    Unique Situation! Cat playdates/living in two homes? Please help if you can :)

    Thanks everyone! I know for the common cat, traveling is rare except to the vets office, and might stress them out. Both my sister and I plan on trying to get our cats used to their carriers and to car rides. Maybe a drive around the block every night or two nights, so that the travelling...