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  1. E

    Strange growth coming out of cat's nose

    Well everyone, it seems this was a case of me getting intense anxiety (we lost several kitties to unusual health issues in the past few years). It must have been a piece of insulation from the roofers' work or something else that was somehow stuck hard to her face, because it's gone! She is well...
  2. E

    Strange growth coming out of cat's nose

    It definitely looked like it was coming from her nose, but I'll take a second look tonight if she comes around. I do know we had roofers the other day as well, so maybe some piece of insulation got stuck? But I can't see how it didn't fall off while she was eating. Your suggestions makes sense...
  3. E

    Strange growth coming out of cat's nose

    Hi everyone, we have a stray that's been coming around for a few weeks now. She always seemed fine although a little scraggly, and she looked well two days ago, but today she showed up and has this weird growth coming out of one nostril, and it looks like something similar might be starting in...
  4. E

    Hole in cat's mouth leading to her nose

    Hi everyone, looking for advice on what to do here. Our 12 year old girl has had bad breath for quite some time as well as some breathing issues. A previous vet had said that she probably just had a touch of asthma and needed me to brush her teeth on occasion. Well, after we switched vets, I...
  5. E

    Cat pooping outside the litter box/other cat harasses her while she's using it

    She seems to know how doors work too. She'll paw at the knobs trying to get them to open. Thank goodness cats don't have opposable thumbs! Based on all these replies a low entry litter box sounds like my next step. Thanks!
  6. E

    Cat pooping outside the litter box/other cat harasses her while she's using it

    Actually, she had a bout of diarrhea last week, which made this issue that much more frustrating. (Luckily she's feeling better now.) I think I'll try a deep clean (these are fairly new boxes so I'm not ready to buy more yet) and maybe get a fifth one to see what happens. I hadn't heard of cat...
  7. E

    Cat pooping outside the litter box/other cat harasses her while she's using it

    Thanks for the suggestions! I'm considering getting a fifth litter box just to make sure all the cats have plenty of options. I'll look into the Feliway diffuser too, since this kitty and our other girl cat are both pretty neurotic (more so than other cats, at least). As for the male cat, his...
  8. E

    Cat pooping outside the litter box/other cat harasses her while she's using it

    I have two connected issues and I'm struggling on how to handle them. I have a cat, approximately ten years old, spayed female, that's been pooping outside of her litter box on and off for about five years now. Just recently (within the past few months) it's become an "every time she poops"...
  9. E

    Cat has suddenly start peeing on furniture

    It is a sudden change; she's been good about using the litter box up until now. I'm considering UTI but from what I understand cats with a UTI have the same problem that humans do, in that they pee very little but do so often. It doesn't appear that she is having this problem. I've been soaking...
  10. E

    Cat has suddenly start peeing on furniture

    Sorry, I should have added that I do clean the litter boxes every day. (I wasn't sure if I could edit the original post, so I'll just put the reply here.)
  11. E

    Cat has suddenly start peeing on furniture

    I've been researching this problem, but so far haven't found an answer that fits our situation here. My husband and I "inherited" Van, who is probably about 12 or 13, from his aunt last year. She is a barn cat his aunt adopted and (somewhat) tamed. At this point, Van has seemed to settle down...