Search Results

  1. M

    Good cat food

    Hi everyone I have recently been searching for a good diet for my cats. Ive been turned of wisker (i live in Australia) as its not good for them. Whats your thoughts on raw pet mince as ive tried cooked pet mince and they hated it
  2. M

    Strange kitten

    A couple weeks ago i started noticing that my kitten is 'diging' at the ground around his water bowl before he drinks. He stand over the top of the bowl and while looking into the bowl he digs at the ground. What is he doing ?
  3. M


    I have 2 cats one 10 this year and the other is 7. Ive had them both since they were kittens and never have i had a problem with them peeing outside the litter box. Ive been with my bf 2 years now and they keep peeing on his clothing or shoes. Pretty much anything of his but nothing of mine. I...