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    Sudden change....

    We just got back from the vet. They could not tell what is wrong with him by external exam- he seems fine to them and she could not feel anything but scar tissue ( after his surgery). He did not run fever, but was a little dyhidrated so they did an IV, plus, he did not eat last two days, so they...
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    Sudden change....

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    Sudden change....

    Oh, I am also concerned in this behavior change cause my due is in a few days and I am afraid for the baby!
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    Sudden change....

    Hello guys! I need your advice.. again! It is about my Mishka of course. He recovered really good after his surgery. He eats a lot, drinks plenty of water. There is one chnage we cought right away- and it is coming from his litter box. Every time he uses it to poop- it smells SO BAD- like...
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    Thank you, honey! You are so sweet! Yes, he is himslef again- he drives us crazy and we love it!
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    I just don't know what to do!

    My cat hates his E-collar, but I made him wear it anyways.. And after couple of days he got used to it ( we have to make him wear it for two weeks!!!!! ) So maybe she will be all right for two days? Sending healing vibes her way!
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    LuckyGirl thank you so much! Yes, Mishka is doing wonderfull- now we have problems keeping his litter box clean! He is running around the house, eating, playing with his e-collar- though I think he can not wait to take it off! We hare having his stitches removed next Monday! He is really doing...
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    Sudden Death

    Oh no! I am so sorry!!!!!
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    Yeap, it seems like he overate.. Cause for the rest of today- he was just fine... I still think he might have a reacton to his medicine- maybe antibiotics upset his stomach or smth.. don't know.. Anyways.. if I will be the same way I am with MIshka with MY BABY- I'll go crazy... that is for...
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    my kitty is ill and needs prayers

    Sending lots of healing vibes to your kitty! Hope everything is going to be OK very soon!
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    Well, this is not making any sence to me. He is acting really great, his appetite increased - really! He eats so many times a day now and drinks plenty of water and acts like himself. He poops now two times a day!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT! This morning I woke up from him making noise- he was vomiting...
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    Tuffy is bleeding!!

    Good! I am keeping my fingers crossed for him!
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    Thanks guys! So far Mishka seems to be GREAT!
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    yeap you are right- but I can not fight them both- My hubby and Mishka! They have this tradition for so long now and I am not the one to tell them to brake it!
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    Please Help! Kitty Infection!!!

    Praying for Oreo!
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    Oh please, guys! MY HUBBY IS A POTATO JUNKIE! If I do not have cooked potatoes in our house- I am looking into an argument- he likes it any way I cook it, and if I have something else on a table, it is better be soup with potatoes in it, cause if there is no potatoes on a table- he threatens to...
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    Litter question...?

    I do not see why it would be a problem, as long as you keep it clean and sanitize once in a while to keep infections and dangerous bacterias away. I know a lot of people who has many cats and keep litter boxes everywhere, including their bedrooms!
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    Please keep Tyler in your thoughts

    Wishing tyler all the best and keeping him in my prayers!!!!
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    Tuffy is bleeding!!

    How is Tuffy today? I truly hope he will get better soon!
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    Thank you so much!!!! Yes, please keep your fingers crossed- but it seems like Mishka is finally getting better. He eats a lot! And very often- without a pill! He figured that part out I think! Plus he got back to his rutine: at night he follows me to the bathroom- I take a shower, he jumps in...