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  1. mungbeans

    Re-introduction to litter mate

    It is a bit complicated at the moment as we may be moving in a couple of months.  Things are kind of up in the air at the moment, and I don't want to introduce too many stressers at once for June, as she seems to be settling in so well, and getting friendlier by the day.
  2. mungbeans

    Re-introduction to litter mate

    So I'm working away in my office today, and this happened:
  3. Re-introduction to litter mate

    Re-introduction to litter mate

  4. 2016-05-05 10.02.22.jpg

    2016-05-05 10.02.22.jpg

  5. mungbeans

    Re-introduction to litter mate

    Thanks for those links. Reading them now.
  6. mungbeans

    Re-introduction to litter mate

    In my clicker training this morning I ditch the loud clicker I bought over the weekend and went back to the pen with the click top.  She responded well to this morning's training.  The loud click clearly put her off, so I now train with the pen in my left hand with the treats between my fingers...
  7. mungbeans

    Re-introduction to litter mate

    June is now 11 months old, but quite small.   She looks a lot younger than she is.  Her mother was quite a small cat as well. She is "shy and jumpy".   She does explore but it takes her a while - she has to make sure it is safe first.   This is why it has taken quite a while for her to settle...
  8. mungbeans

    Re-introduction to litter mate

    Thanks for the advice and the links.   I'll read them once I'm finished work. The clicker training is slow going.   She is so shy that we are still at the 'charge the clicker' stage.  She seems to be taking the click as a reproach, even when accompanied by a treat and encouragement. 
  9. mungbeans

    Meet Lady June

    We adopted June in February.   She had been living with a clan of cats in a plant nursery in Sydney, but had been socialised and looked after by my brother so she is tame.  She was named after June Carter Cash - my brother is a country music fan.  I thought at first it was a strange name for a...
  10. mungbeans

    Re-introduction to litter mate

    We adopted a kitty, June, several weeks ago.   It has been slow going getting her to settle in as she is very quiet and gentle, but very cautious and skittish.  She has now settled in and seems quite content, although we are now clicker training her as she still won't let us pat or groom her...