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  1. M

    Kitten Attract Litter?

    i just adopted a new kitten and my older two cats are annoyed, disgruntled and occasionally terrorized. When they get nervous the older two pee outside the box. The woman from the shelter told me to try Dr. Elsey’s kitten attract litter. Is that ok to use for the adult cats too? They share...
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    My cat knocked over a plant- huge mess

    I vacuumed up most of the soil but I can't remove all of it. Any ideas to help me?
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    watery vommit

    Hi, one of my cats has been throwing up small amounts of clear, watery vommit. He's about 15 months old. Otherwise, he's playing and behaving normally. Do I need to get him to the vet right away? Thank you!
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    anniversary is tomorrow

    Tomorrow is the first year anniversary of my adoption of my babies, Gipper and Landry. I'm so excited. I bought them a cypurr mouse and some other toys, but it looks like the package will be a few days late.
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    odor control tips for apartment

    I live in an apartment and have two cats. I keep their litterbox in the bathroom. I scoop it frequently and I can't get the 'cat' smell to go away. I use a lot of baking soda in their box, burn candles, spray air-freshener and am running out of ideas. Would people please share their ideas...
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    Sleeping on the bed

    Why do my cats wait until I'm asleep before they climb up on the bed to sleep?
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    they know I'm coming back, right?

    I have two cats- brothers that are 12 months old. I'm going out of town for a couple weeks and have to leave them behind. I have a friend coming to stay with them so they'll be on their own only for about a day. When I went away for Christmas I had a professional cat sitter visit once every...
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    my cats aren't drinking much water

    It seems to me that my cats haven't been drinking more water since the weather got hot. How can I get them to drink more, or should I just assume that they'll drink as much as they need?
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    Jack Sprat and the bully

    I have 2 indoor cats that are 12 months old. Landry is tubby and his brother Gipper is skinny. The vet told me the other day that they are both fine but Landry shouldn't gain any more weight. She said neither one is sick and Gipper has a small frame. Landry is a food hog. I'm surprised he...
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    carrier is too small for my 2 cats

    I have a sherpa bag that is made to hold 22 lbs. I bought it when I first got my kittens. I was very happy with it, but now they've almost outgrown it. I need to use a soft carrier that would pass for a duffel bag, and I think my cats would be happier if they could travel together in one bag...