Search Results

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    Mammary cancer - I'm so distraught right now

    I'm very sorry to hear about your cat. It is an awful disease. I know what your ups and downs are like, because my girl went through almost the same thing. She diagnosed in spring 2012 and I had the cancer removed. The operation went very well and in the days after she was doing great for her...
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    Questions to breeder: Cattery visitation by future family?

    Of course, I do. They can visit whenever they want as long as it's not every day ;-) I am not afraid of germs from petbuyers, they rarely have any bad disseases at home. I allow visit from when the kittens are 4 weeks old, but at that age, I ask the buyers to put on clean cloth, when they leave...
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    Momma wants out of the nursery

    Did they mention why? How old are the kittens? I was thinking that I might just be easier for you to wait if it's not that long.
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    Momma wants out of the nursery

    Oh, and by the way.... Keep her in her room for two weeks after vaccinating her. A vaccination always lower the immune system and it will take about two weeks to get it back to normal, so you should not risk her getting stressed, because that will lower her immune system further and might cause...
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    Momma wants out of the nursery

    I suppose so, but I'm not sure, because I live in Denmark and it might be different in the US. I have vaccinated a pregnant queen myself several times, when I had a queen, that had herpes. I was worried that the kittens would get it, so I wanted to make sure, that I protected them the best I...
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    Momma wants out of the nursery

    Sure, it can, but you have to use a killed vaccine. You can also vaccinate in the last trimester of the pregnancy - in fact, it's a very good idea to do so 2-3 weeks before birth, because the kittens will receive maximum antibodies. But again - only killed vaccine and never, ever earlier in the...
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    Question for Breeders

    I am very sorry that you have had such a bad experience with your first kitten. First of all - stress affects the imune system, but not in hours - it takes a couple of days. So there's no way that the kitten can have developed stress because of the flight and get sick in four hours. Second -...
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    Hello from Denmark

    If you click on the banner in my signature, it will take you to my homepage There are LOTS of aby-pictures
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    Breeder/show forums?

    I'm new here, and I like the forum a lot, but I has been looking for the same thing as you and I'm not a big fan of mailinglists either. I have been thinking of starting a breeder forum myself, but I didn't really want to put a lot of work into it, if nobody else but myself would use it
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    Hello from Denmark

    Hi guys I'm an abyssinian breeder from Denmark. Right now, I have two young males for breeding and three girls. I also have a few older neuters, that are "just" my pets. You're welcome to take a look at my homepage to meet them all. I run a Danish catforum and I stumpled over this site in my...