Search Results

  1. ypablo01

    My Cat Has A Swollen And Red Upper Lip!

    hello everyone, im concerned about my cat James! Just recently i've noticed redness around his mouth but didnt pay much attention to it seeing as how every now and then it gets like that but the past couple of days Its become increasingly swollen in just a day! Any ideas before I bring him to...
  2. ypablo01

    New Kitten & Deworming syringe!!

    Hi everyone! After a long hiatus away from here, I'm in need of help! A friend of mine let me take home a kitten about a month ago. I took him, Kai, in for his first shot almost 3 weeks ago and the Vet told me to give him a 1/4 mL of deworming liquid in a syringe 2 weeks from the date of that...
  3. ypablo01

    My Angel

    March 1st, 2016. I lost my best friend. I remember when I first got her, she was scared and so so tiny. I told myself I would love and take care of her for as long as I could. That was seven years ago. She's helped me through so much. She's been there for me when I thought I had no one...
  4. ypablo01

    Cat freaks out after eating!

    Hello everyone, I'm very concerned right now! My cat Isabella was eating only moments ago and out of nowhere she ran out of my bedroom! No sooner had she ran out did my brother call out to me telling me she was laying on her side with her tongue sticking out! She then proceeded to have a spasm...